May 18, 2024

OK, the title may be slightly misleading, but no more so than the original article on BBC:

The rise of the Swedish cyborgs

One Swedish innovator has parties where tech-savvy friends volunteer for group RFID chip implantations, like in this photo:

Swedish volunteers for implants

“eight volunteers were implanted with a small RFID (radio frequency identification) chip under the skin in their hand.”

These Swedish technology-lovers may merely be looking at a newfound ability to open electronic locks or swipe their hand over an identity scanner or even pay bills at the supermarket by a wave of their hand – but as the group’s leader, Hannes Sjoblad said “We’ve been putting chips in animals for 20 years,” he points out.  Now it is the turn of the humans.  “This is a fun thing, a conversation starter. It opens up interesting discussions about what it means to be human. This is not just for opening doors.”

Yeah, just a fun conversation starter.  It will never be used by totalitarian government, or by the Antichrist as the mark in one’s hand without which no one will be permitted to buy or sell.  I can’t ever see that happening.

Read – Antichrist 2016-2019

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