May 19, 2024

The offices of the satirical French Newspaper “Charlie Hebdo” – which recently commented less than admiringly on Mohammed and Islam – were attacked by men with machine guns yelling “Allah Ackbar!” earlier today.  Ten staff reporters and two policemen were killed before the suspects vanished.  Some of the final shooting was recorded and posted on Youtube HERE – though it isn’t great footage and didn’t catch much on film.

As Wikipedia updated its entry today, Charlie Hebdo is: “a French satirical weekly newspaper, featuring cartoons, reports, polemics and jokes. Irreverent and stridently non-conformist in tone, the publication is strongly antireligious[2] and left-wing, publishing articles on the extreme right, Catholicism, Islam, Judaism, politics, culture, etc. According to its former editor, Charb (Stephane Charbonnier), the magazine’s editorial viewpoint reflects “all components of left wing pluralism, and even abstainers”.[3]   It first appeared from 1969 to 1981; it folded, but was resurrected in 1992. Charb was the most recent editor, holding the post from 2012 until his death in the attack on the magazine’s offices

Many comments on Youtube under the video describe a Europe becoming increasingly left-wing, losing a war to multiculturalism and not even caring or being aware that they are losing a war, in which they deny reality, allow unlimited immigration, defend and pay for a growing population that does not respect their laws and traditions and will outbreed them, making many Western Europeans ethnic minorities in their original homelands within decades.  Some comments suggest that the stupid liberals of Western Europe are reaping the whirlwind and getting what they deserve for their self-destructive policies.  Sharia law to follow the obvious path they are taking.  Surprisingly, I saw no mention of PEGIDA – which as Wikipedia says:

Patriotische Europäer gegen die Islamisierung des Abendlandes (PEGIDA, in English: “Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamization of the West“)[note 1] is a German political movement based in Dresden. Since October 2014 it has been organizing public demonstrations, aimed at the German government, against what it considers to be the Islamization of Europe.”  Admittedly, this is a German group – and the Youtube video with comments is about an attack in France – but I am under the impression that PEGIDA had a 17,000 man rally recently and was gaining popularity throughout Europe.

Europe is in danger of Jihad from Islam, in danger of reviving the specter of the Holocaust should groups like PEGIDA gain more acceptance for ethnic cleansing, and in danger that violence by any side will probably lead governments towards totalitarianism to control any violence that grows much in scope…. Which will become much more likely if there is economic collapse soon.  For today though, just 12 dead – over a mildly offensive cartoon.

(UK Telegraph) “Several men in black cagoules were heard to shout ‘the Prophet has been avenged’”, wrote Pierre de Cossette, a broadcast journalist with Europe1 News.

Charlie Hedbo has published many satirical articles and cartoons about Islam and Mohammed – and everyone else, including Christians, Jews, and many others. One religion (the one we are always officially told is a religion of peace) in particular doesn’t seem to tolerate criticism.

The Guardian reports that 10 reporters and 2 police officers are among the murdered. Also

Martin Boudot, a reporter from the Premières Lignes agency, posted the video above, taken from the roof of a building close to the Charlie Hebdo building.  We can hear gunfire and men yelling ‘Allahu akbar’.

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