In an interview which came out 9/2/24, Eric Weinstein mentioned the Atomic Energy Acts of 1946 and 1954 and said “There is a category called ‘restricted data’ which is almost never discussed…. anything that impinges on nuclear weapons [is instantly considered classified.] ….It is illegal to seek information at a Q level if you don’t have an access to it…. If you’re any good at physics, are you potentially committing a capital crime by advancing the field, if it could influence nuclear weapons?” [The only thing restricting the proliferation of weapons is not the information but the ability to refine fissile material. So] “….we’ve been making physics boring….” [Relevant to this, he mentions, others were discussing the potential regulation of A.I. and restricting the transfer of such technologies with the White House recently. They pointed out that programming A.I. only requires unsophisticated linear algebra, and said to the White House representatives “You can’t just ban math.” To which they responded: “Oh yes we can. We’ve banned entire regions of theoretical physics.” Weinstein speculates that “the stagnation of theoretical physics” [among what is known to the public, as opposed to black budget projects completely under government control in which physics has secretly advanced by leaps and bounds – may have promoted very questionable theories like] “….string streory to cock block actual progress in theoretical physics, and derailed an entire field, at least in public…. There are ideas you’re not allowed to share…. [They] published false and misleading papers. There’s an entire complex that you’re not supposed to see.”
This fits right in with a chapter in my previous book on the true progress of Germany’s atomic bomb projects combined with a dual biography of Oppenheimer and Heisenberg, so I’ll include a taste here:
“I suggest that there are scientific concepts which are known to be true by an elite which doesn’t want just anybody to be able to take advantage of them, so they manipulate the public perception of science by denying knowledge of many powerful discoveries while simultaneously promoting various lies. Einstein and his theory of relativity play a central role, so the deceivers promote him and his theories, both the true aspects, and even when they know he was wrong. Especially when they know he was wrong.
Even Einstein eventually understood that many aspects of his 1905 Theory of Relativity were wrong. He published an updated Unified Field Theory in 1928, but no one supported it. Einstein had presented it to the Prussian Academy of Sciences on June 14, 1928, when he said of his “New Possibility for Unified Field Theory of Gravitation and Electricity”: “I discovered that this theory – at least in first approximation – yields the field equations of gravitation and electromagnetism in a very simple and natural manner. Thus it seems possible that this theory will substitute the theory of general relativity in its original form.”
But the Anglo-American elite didn’t want to publicize a true understanding of electromagnetism and gravity. British, American, and German scientists could all see the wartime potential of understanding the new physics necessitated secrecy. (Of course the suppression of the true role of electromagnetism continued after the war as well. Pascual Jordan might have won the 1954 Nobel Prize for his work on the connections between quantum physics, electromagnetism, and gravity – but officially, his ties to the Nazi Party and SS came to light. Or perhaps, no one wanted those connections emphasized.)”
There’s a lot more in my book. The first half is mostly biographical material on the scientists, but towards the end I get into the evidence about the first atomic bombs. For me, the truth about Nazi Germany (and ancient India) is fascinating. If that sounds like you’d be interested I highly recommend reading Oppenheimer and Heisenberg and several books listed in my bibliography at the end. If my book doesn’t sound like it’s for you, I still recommend watching at least part of this Eric Weinstein interview – as you wouldn’t still be reading if you weren’t intrigued by the suppression of science.
One comment under the video says: “Having worked at both Los Alamos (LANL) and Lawrence Livermore (LLNL) on nuclear weapons and having an active Q clearance at both LANL and LLNL, what Weinstein is talking about, starting at 45 minutes is spot on…” So let’s start there:
This is all quite easily understood once you know that it was HG Wells who came up with the idea of the atomic chain reaction (-> atomic power/bombs), and Winston Churchill who, impressed with his pal’s brilliant idea and its potential, then gathered a bunch of clever chaps together to come up with ‘the science’ that would make it a quasi-reality – a few years later.