May 19, 2024

As if the subtle measures taken by the US media and government aren’t enough to steer public opinion and behavior of the masses, China is taking a more direct approach.  Stalin and Hitler would have salivated at the prospect of such an idea.  What frightens me is that such a diabolical and sinister approach will undoubtedly be implemented in the West.

China Sesame Credit

“As if further proof were needed Orwell’s dystopia is now upon us, China has now gamified obedience to the State. Though that is every bit as creepily terrifying as it sounds, citizens may still choose whether or not they wish to opt-in — that is, until the program becomes compulsory in 2020. “Going under the innocuous name of ‘Sesame Credit,’ China has created a score for how good a citizen you are,” explains Extra Credits’ video about the program. “The owners of China’s largest social networks have partnered with the government to create something akin to the U.S. credit score — but, instead of measuring how regularly you pay your bills, it measures how obediently you follow the party line.

From the full original article:

China Just Launched the Most Frightening Game Ever — and Soon It Will Be Mandatory

Watch the video to fully understand how China’s FREE social networking “game” builds in social pressure to encourage conformity, gives points to encourage supporting government policies, will lead to un-friending radical friends who lower your score by association, and how the point score you earn will have REAL WORLD consequences on your rights and your wallet – because getting a job, a promotion, a mortgage, a travel visa, a loan, etc – will all be affected when corporations and even your friends and family evaluate you based on your government compliance score.
Scary stuff, likely to be copied and used where you live too.


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