May 20, 2024

From the full original article at Zerohedge

Whatever one’s opinion of the Muslim attacks and the perpetrators behind them, one thing is without dispute – the French response, which has been to quickly impose unlimited emergency laws, is nothing short of the second coming of “Operation Gladio.”

In addition to warrantless searches and raids, France’s state of emergency laws allow the government to put people under house arrest, seal the country’s borders and ban demonstrations. The laws were created during the Algerian war in 1955.

France is currently aiming to change its constitution to allow a state of emergency to last for six months

This is what Robert Menard, mayor of the French town of Beziers, told RT:

“I’ve already doubled the number of city policemen, but I went even further. I asked all the former policemen, firefighters and servicemen to come and help to protect our citizens. If my initiative goes against the law, we should change the law. We are living amid an Islamic threat and we should be aware of the consequences. Our country, as well as other European countries, is at war – both outside our borders, in Syria for instance, and inside our borders, because our enemies live in our own country,”


Robert Menard used to be a journalist, a socialist and the outspoken founder of an international press group, Reporters Without Borders. But 18 months ago he caused shockwaves by winning the town hall of Beziers, a city of more than 71,000, on a far-right ticket.


In the US, this man’s comments would lead to an unprecedented media scandal; in France they have barely registered.

As a reminder, all of this was predicted with uncanny precision by AIG in a presentation from May 2008, in which the author answered the question “What Europe Wants“. His answer:

To use global issues as excuses to extend its power:

  • environmental issues: increase control over member countries; advance idea of global governance
  • terrorism: use excuse for greater control over police and judicial issues; increase extent of surveillance
  • global financial crisis: kill two birds (free market; Anglo-Saxon economies) with one stone (Europe-wide regulator; attempts at global financial governance)
  • EMU: create a crisis to force introduction of “European economic government”

The US police state wants exactly the same things, and it is coming to get them.

————- that’s what they have to say at

I say the same thing will happen in America, and SOON.  There will be more terrorism, and events will be used to allow dictatorship. Read:

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate


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