May 20, 2024

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In all my research on end times prophecies, I never paid much attention to the late Bulgarian seer: Baba Vanga.  Despite being “The Nostradamus of the Balkans” or “of Bulgaria” she is not well known in America, even by those who pay attention to psychics and predictions of doom.  But this blind woman’s visions are well known in Russia and Eastern Europe, and in the back of Putin’s mind they could have an impact on Russian policy in Europe and the Middle East.

Some “successful prophecies” of hers include the sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine “Kursk” around 1999/2000, the prediction of a giant wave (tsunami?) submerging a coast (2004-Indonesia?  Or a yet to occur pole shift?) and the destruction of the Twin Towers by “steel birds.” Some say she has an 85% success rate so far (admittedly this is easy when giving lots of vague predictions) but according to these articles:

“The chilling prophecies warn of a 2016 invasion of Europe by Muslim extremists, a conflict she predicted would begin with the Arab Spring in 2010, play out in Syria where “Muslims would use chemical warfare against Europeans,” and culminate in the establishment of a caliphate by 2043 with Rome at its epicentre.

According to Vanga, Europe as we know it will “cease to exist” by the end of next year following the systematic elimination of entire populations.”

“Vanga reportedly correctly predicted that the 44th president of the United States would be African American. However, she also stated that he would be the “last US president.”


I don’t assume Baba Vanga had divine inspiration.  I can’t agree that everything she predicted seems very likely.  Some seem ridiculous.  But a huge “Muslim War” with an invasion of Europe in 2016, the conquest of Rome, and Barack Obama as the last US president – that all fits within the conclusions I reached in

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate


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