January 21, 2025

Full article HERE.  Just a teaser below.

Carey Wedler
October 9, 2014

(TheAntiMedia) If you aren’t already disgusted by the unchecked violence, control and aggression exhibited by local police forces across America, it is unlikely that viewing images of their havoc will offend you. If stories of babies having flash grenades thrown in their cribs while cops are conducting SWAT raids don’t stir you, it is doubtful more instances like this will. If disturbing slayings of the mentally disabled and the elderly are excusable to you, daily stories of the same offenses likely won’t change your mind.

If you aren’t outraged by these injustices already, chances are there isn’t much else that’s going to set you over the edge, short of a massacre of children or an accidental no-knock raid on your home that kills your own dog or maims your own child.

If you cannot be bothered to care about the physical, emotional, and inhumane trauma inflicted upon your fellow citizens, maybe you will find motivation to care in the cold, calculable numbers. Not of lost life, but that police departments inflict upon the taxpayernot in human dignity, abuse or surrender of freedombut in dollars.

* * * * * * *

Welder notes that New York spends almost a BILLION dollars a year paying for police brutality/mistakes.  Los Angeles and Chicago also have nine-digit annual bills, and although the cost in your small town may be minimal, all our taxes pay for such problem behavior.  Add in the ruined lives and the fact that this is probably going to increase exponentially when the economy inevitably implodes – and everyone should care more about keeping this in check NOW – before martial law allows Gestapo tactics to become the norm.

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