October 22, 2024

original article here

I stumbled onto an image online that has me intrigued because it reminds me of the never-deciphered Voynich Manuscript and it mentions the two dates I think are most relevant to end times prophecies.  The drawing shows “2016 start” and “2019 completed.”  Other images on it also show three pyramids, the Temple in Jerusalem, something in space, (probably in our solar system) the latitude and longitude of the Great Pyramid at Giza, and the words “ark of the covenant.”


The drawing could just be the ravings of a madman or the silly hoax of a college student – I don’t know yet – but this mess of clues is hard for me to ignore.  My previous book, End Times and 2019, focuses on the clues leading me to conclude that the world’s final seven years end in December 2019.  My newest book, Antichrist 2016-2019, focuses on the evidence pointing to events on a specific date in June 2016, at the mid-point of the final seven years.  The strange cipher/drawing posted with this article seems strongly related to the topics in my books – so much so that many of you will probably think I made it myself.

I really don’t know who drew it or what it means.  A little investigation online links this image to a Thomas E. O’Neil and possibly to an interpretation of the Voynich Manuscript – but beyond that I’m just finding a lot of dead ends.  I would appreciate any insights readers can offer – I could be very interested if this turns out to reveal anything I have not yet discovered relating to my timeline of events.


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