May 3, 2024

Source: Why Does Barack Obama’s White House Hate The United Kingdom?

Read Dinesh D’Souza’s “The Roots of Obama’s Rage” to understand why Obama got the bust of Churchill out of the Oval Office and his overall anti-colonialism. He hates Britain for dominating the Third World and he hates the neo-colonial United States as a rogue monster to be brought down – so Obama will diminish its power and influence.  It is not so hard to understand.  If I had been born black in a nation dominated by whites, if I had grown up in Southeast Asia while American killed Vietnamese; if I had a father and grandfather jailed by their colonial masters in Kenya, if I had been a Muslim in a land dominated by Christians, I might not like the American culture that felt foreign to me either.

BUT – Such a person has no right to run a nation they dislike into the ground like a Manchurian Candidate – on purpose, despite the stupidity of the electorate.

Of course, I think it’s worse than that:

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