It’s hard to tell whose sense of humor is serious and who is just nuts sometimes.
This article at
Fact Or Fiction? NASA Announces All-Female Remake Of Staged Moon Landings
“In this new normal, it’s hard to decide…
As a tribute to the 50th anniversary of its fake moon landing, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration has announced a reboot of the staged event that fooled billions worldwide, only this time featuring an all-female crew.
NASA officials confirm they will release a shot-for-shot remake of the meticulously concocted phony moon landing, originally filmed at an undisclosed soundstage 50 years ago this week. The rejuvenated hoax will follow in the footsteps of other recent all-female reboots like Ghostbusters and Ocean’s 8.
“Those were some great buddy films,” a NASA spokesperson told reporters, “but we made the ultimate buddy movie in 1969 when we tricked all those people with Neil, Buzz, and Mike. We thought a modernized update was the perfect way to mark the occasion.”
Rumors claim the part of Neil Armstrong will be played by Scarlett Johansson, with Melissa McCarthy acting in the role of Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin. The Michael Collins character will be portrayed by Dame Judi Dench.
According to sources, the only change in the script is a more inclusive update to Armstrong’s famous words when setting foot on the moon, which will be replaced with the line “That’s one small step for a woman, one giant leap for womankind, mankind, transgenderkind, genderfluidkind, and otherkind.”
I like some of the silly comments under the silly article too:
“Let’s say Neil Armstrong was a transgender lesbian Eskimo with a mental disability, and planted the flag of wakanda on the moon….”
“thats a bit out dated and sexist these days isnt it? , i thought usa was allmost completely inhabited by completely fluid multi gender pansexual devients and refering to any of thier 97 non specific and interchangeable genders was now completely and utterly illigal , nasa is probably gona get sued just for sujesting pure females still exist!”
The antagonist is an orange oompa loompa that pops out of a crater and yells ” Go back where you came from”
And although I think Buzz Aldrin would vehemently assert that the moon landing 50 years ago was very real, I understand why some people could interpret this answer of his otherwise: