May 18, 2024

In the article: ISIS Apocalyptic End-Times Strategy Ignores Crucial Anti-Christ Prophecy by Pamela Engel we can read that:

“ISIS bases much of its recruitment and expansion strategy around the idea that the end times are upon us.

The extremist group pushes the idea that the apocalypse is nigh and that Islamic fighters will battle the “infidels” of the West in Dabiq, a town in Syria that ISIS now controls.

ISIS (also known as the Islamic State) uses Islamic scripture and prophecies to bolster its assertion, but it conveniently ignores one particularly damning prophecy that could inherently challenge the legitimacy of its self-declared “caliphate” — the territory in Iraq and Syria it controls that is central to Islamic doomsday prophecies.

Will McCants, director of the Project on US Relations with the Islamic World at the Brookings Institution, mentions it in his new book, “The ISIS Apocalypse.”

“There is one prophecy about the Antichrist that the Islamic State and its fans have studiously avoided, even though it is in a collection of prophecies they revere: The Antichrist will ‘appear in the empty area between Sham [Syria] and Iraq,'” McCants wrote. “That, of course, is precisely where the Islamic State is located.”

see link above to read the full original article

or for a book that acknowledges the role of the Islamic Caliphate in the end times politics of the Antichrist,

read Joel Richardson’s Islamic Antichrist or MidEast Beast – or The Islamic Antichrist by John Preacher or

Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

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