March 14, 2025

With modern astronomical software we can calculate when events in the sky match descriptions of future skies given in Bible prophecy. Many clues point to major events the week of Hanukkah in December 2019.  Matthew 22:2 says “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding feast for his son.” In December 2019, during Hanukkah, all major steps in an ancient, week-long Jewish wedding ceremony will be played out by the movements of the sun, moon, and planets in a heavenly wedding.  The giving of the ring to the bride even matches (to the minute) the “diamond ring effect” of the total solar eclipse which is at the right point in the ceremony – while we celebrate Christmas – and it will be visible at sunrise from Jerusalem – fulfilling Isaiah 13:10 very accurately – “the sun will be dark when it rises.”  Lots more details are given in the book: End Times and 2019

TOP 50 PREDICTIONS 2019. Predictions for the future. Real Prophecies for 2019 year

Ray Kurzweil gives (mostly technological innovation) predictions for 2019 in the video:


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