February 12, 2025

For those of you who take Nostradamus’ prophecies of WWIII seriously, maps offer another level of insight and understanding on top of his written prophecies and other authors’ interpretations… but few maps have been drawn to display Nostradamus’ focus.  Some of the few nice maps I have found are given below:


The map above highlights the areas containing the main battlefields of WWIII in pink.

This should not mislead us into thinking that all the battles are in Europe; just like end times Bible prophecy centers on Israel and the action all seems to be in the Middle East –


where Nostradamus emphasizes Europe’s invaders will be from (Persia/Iran, Mesopotamia/Iraq, Byzantium/Turkey, Arabia/Saudi Arabia, North Africa…) we must realize that Bible writers lived in and were most concerned with Israel and the surrounding nations.

Likewise, Nostradamus lived in France.  He was most concerned with France, and nearby nations in Western Europe.  He only rarely mentioned America specifically by name, and other major nations like Russia and China were mentioned only with indirect references like the land of the North Wind or of Genghis Khan… So the map below showing the locations of his prophecies is focused in and around France, despite some distant prophecies about New York and other locations not on the map…


All those disclaimers being said, there is still no denying that most of WWIII will be fought in Western Europe after European “neglect,” “apathy,” and “negligence” allow “the followers of Mohammad” an easy entrance into Europe.

For more details, consider reading books like:

Nostradamus And The Islamic Invasion Of Europe

which is on a $pecial $ale on Kindle for the week including 9/11


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