January 15, 2025

I first wrote a blog post on this topic back in June when the editor of Nexus Magazine sent me a free copy of their latest issue including my article (same title as my book, Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced) and as I read through the latest copy of Nexus I read several other fascinating articles, including one titled: Wisdom of the Ancients which mentioned that “Aboriginal Elders in Australia have started speaking of the ‘End of Days.’  From what I can gather, this once in an epoch event will occur in late 2019.” – Duncan Roads, editor

A few months later I found more information about this online, including a video about (embedded at the end of this post) and some comments by Jay Weidner (whose views on cosmic cycles of time I highly respect – and the article correctly describes him as an “authority on the hermetic and alchemical traditions,” and “erudite conspiracy hunter,” Jay Weidner is a renowned author, filmmaker and hermetic scholar.”

Weidner comments on the Aboriginal concept of discovering truths in a spiritual state they call DREAMTIME: “the central belief of the Aborigines of Australia. The essential teaching from that tradition is that everything in our world begins in the Dreamtime. From their ancient perspective, every thought, every action emerges from a larger metaphysical landscape that surrounds and pervades our material world. They call this larger reality the Dreamtime.”  And from this spiritually awake dreamtime, elders are aware of “the past and the future” and a “recurring cycle” and the problems they foresee for late 2019 such as giant earthquakes and mega-tsunamis destroying Australia – which would coincide with a pole shift.


I also recently found a web page where Nexus had even more to say about this:

Aboriginal Elders warn the ‘End of Days’ is near

Prophecy of the end of the world continues to inspire wild and bewitching theories in popular culture. Some sprouted from ancient knowledge of the Hopi and Mayan calendar. Biblical references abound… but one ancient culture has always remained silent.  Just under a year ago, I started hearing rumours that Australian Indigenous Elders were saying it was the time of the End of Days.  Some I know have already gone back to “country” to prepare their spirit and connect back to the land.  All in preparation for what is to come….  Recently the Elders have been seeing the signs of the End of Days…. They say we have less than two years before the End of Days.

The Australian Aboriginal people have been on this land between 65,000 and 120,000 years; possibly more.  In that time they have seen an ice age come and go (last glacial period around 12,000 years ago)…” [The evidence suggests that “ice ages” are regional; North America had an “ice age” that ended over 12,000 years ago, even when Siberia was warm, because the North Pole was at the western edge of Hudson Bay – until the last pole shift moved it to its current position.  Antarctica has an “ice age” now.  Such “ice ages” and pole shifts happen roughly every 12,920 years.] “…None of these events was considered the “End of Days”.

DNA demonstrates that the Australian Aboriginal culture is the oldest culture on Earth.”  [Aboriginal Australians arrived at least 50,000 years ago.]  “We hear plenty of prophecy and prediction from other cultures, all of whom measured time, and experienced time as linear….”  [Others like the Maya and the Hindu cultures view time as cyclical.  Aboriginals did not share either view – they just lived in the now.  But…] “In a world-first declaration, respected Elders have volunteered their knowledge, including impending cataclysm, just two years or less from our doorstep.  [As they warned in 2017, and as Nexus wrote about in June 2018.]  As a trusted and chosen platform, NEXUS Magazine has been unexpectedly charged with the sharing of this knowledge to the world.

With all the warning signs erupting, Aboriginal Elders have discussed and identified now is the time to bring forth their knowledge of what is to come.”  To help share it, Nexus interviewed Trent Lynwood and hosted the Secret History of Australia Conference in June 2018.


The editor also noted some correlation with the Aboriginal Elders late 2019 timing for the fulfillment of “the tidal wave dream” many spiritual Australians have been having, and the “synchronicity of information,” as contact with me and learning more about my books made him aware of my earlier work in End Times and 2019 – in which I review the amazing correlation between the movements and positions of astronomical bodies in the night sky with the prophetic visions of the skies as they appear during the end times visions of various prophets – and how the celestial bodies act out all major steps of an ancient Jewish wedding ceremony in order in late December 2019. The editor of Nexus [Duncan Roads] suggested a link between my conclusions in

Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced

that a pole shift is due in the early 21st century, and my earlier much more specific potential timeline of the coming pole shift event based on evidence from many sources of prophecy – Biblical, Mayan, and others… as presented in

End Times and 2019

that the pole shift may be the method of creating Revelation’s “new heaven and a new earth” in December 2019…

Is my interpretation of prophecy from the Bible, the Maya, and other ancient cultures correct – pointing to the end of the present world in late December 2019?  Are Aboriginal Elders seeing the same timeline for the end?  If so, the next year will probably be extremely eventful.  Will mankind cause the end, as events lead us to WWIII?  Maybe cosmic and terrestrial cycles become more obvious and lead towards “the end of the age” in the form of a pole shift.  Or maybe 2019 will come and go uneventfully, and all the warning signs will just be looked back on as coincidences and nonsense.  We can hope.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iiOfUnl5NLk&w=806&h=453]

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