March 12, 2025

Dr. Michael Salla, author of several books on America’s secret space programs –  suggests that substantial melting of ice in West Antarctica, largely from 91 active volcanoes under the ice, could set off massive Earth changes and alter the balance of forces at play holding Earth’s crust in place – and lead to a pole shift in as soon as a few years, definitely within ten years.  He suggests that due to changes beginning in the Earth’s core we are already seeing more volcanic activity, and that this will intensify.


Of course I also think there is plenty of evidence to suggest that Earth’s cycle of periodic pole shift catastrophes is due to reduce civilization to rubble again soon – in the early 21st century.  Not only do I believe there is a concerted effort to hide evidence of ancient pole shifts and the rise and fall of several previous civilizations – there are also many prophecies pointing to such a disaster in our near future


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