January 27, 2025

Dean Smith recently posted an article at the opentheword.org blog titled:

Why did Israel’s Sanhedrin ask the Arab world to help build the third Jewish Temple?

Excerpts below:

“Breaking Israel News recently reported on a letter written by Israel’s nascent Sanhedrin asking the Arab world to join in building the third Jewish temple in Jerusalem. The court sent its request in English, Hebrew and Arabic.

The nascent Sanhedrin is a Jewish court made up of 71 elders. A similar court has historically provided spiritual and sometimes political guidance to Israel through out its history. It was the Sanhedrin that asked the Romans to crucify Christ.

So why did they ask the Muslims for help?

Certainly expediency is one of the reasons. Orthodox Jews believe that God wants them to rebuild the Temple. However, the Temple Mount is now controlled by the Jordanian government and under the current political arrangement, Orthodox Jews would probably need Jordan’s permission to build.

It is traditionally believed that the Muslims built the Dome of the Rock on the location of the second Jewish Temple the Romans destroyed in 70 AD. I don’t think the Jews believe Muslims would be willing to destroy the Dome of the Rock, Islam’s third most holy site,  to allow the Jews to build their Temple.

But there is room for a Jewish Temple on the Temple Mount so either the Jews are not stuck on rebuilding at the Temple’s traditional location or it is possible the Dome of the Rock was not actually built on the original site of the second Temple.

It may also be a public relations maneuver to gain public support for the rebuilding. The Jews probably know that the Muslims will not support such a move, but by asking the Jews look like the reasonable ones in the process…”  Click the link above for the full original article.

Personally – I no longer assume the original Temple of Solomon, or Herod’s Temple, was under the Dome of the Rock – or even on the Temple Mount at all.  The Western Wall, believed to be of the Temple, may very well just be from the nearby Roman fort Antonia.  The popularly believed assumptions of today simply don’t match biblical and historical evidence… leaving room for the construction of a Third Temple nearby, but not necessarily on the Temple Mount.  This would allow for the prophetic fulfillment of the Antichrist and other End Times prophecy which I have calculated and speculated about in my previous books…

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