October 6, 2024

As Nelson Walters suggests in this blog post: Will Jesus return after “TWO DAYS?”

Hosea might be suggesting that the Second Coming is after two days – 2000 years.

“After two days he will heal us, on the third day we shall arise.”


“There is a verse in Hosea that may seem to indicate that Jesus could return 2000 years after his resurrection in the first century. Is this date setting or biblically sound prophecy? We present all the evidence here so you can be the judge. Will Jesus return after “two days”? It is something every Christian should be aware of and consider.”

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yn47ZI0LSss&w=474&h=297]

This also fits well with the idea that in ancient Israel when a Jewish man gets engaged, he goes to his father’s house for up to two years to build an addition (or new house) at or near his father’s house – and then returns to take his bride back to the new house.  If these two years are analogous to the same 2000 years Hosea might be hinting at, then the Second Coming should be no later than about 2033 A.D. – and fits very well with my conclusions in End Times and 2019 – that the sun, moon, and planets move in a way that acts out all major steps of an ancient, week-long Jewish wedding ceremony from December 21-28, 2019.  The timing matches so many details of other prophecies in Daniel, Isaiah, Revelation, Haggai, Esther…

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