October 6, 2024

from the original article at SHTFplan.com: http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/world-war-3-pakistan-vows-revenge-on-india-after-attack_02272018

“…The tensions between the two nations are quickly spiraling out of control leading many to wonder if World War 3 will break out in the area soon.

According to the Express UK, the devastating attack from India along the contested border known as the Line of Control (LoC) as tensions between the two South Asian nations flare, a retired soldier has claimed. The LoC splits the region of Kashmir, with Pakistan owning one side and India, the other. The region of Kashmir has been contested by both countries for decades causing high levels of tensions between the neighboring states.

Fayaz Ahmad, a politician from the Kashmir region of India, stated that announcements were made over some loudspeakers on the Pakistan side of Balakote that have declared acts of “retaliation” will take place. “They said that India has killed many of our soldiers, we will take revenge for it after we bury our dead today. People are advised to take safety precautions,” said Ahmad….”


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