March 12, 2025

The earliest “blast” I see evidence of is very old: “Scientists have discovered evidence that a series of comets smashed into earth in just a few hours 214 million years ago, devastating animal and plant life.” –


But I am more interested in the cosmic cycle of catastrophes that emanate outward from our galactic center every 13,000 years to trigger a POLE SHIFT on Earth.  Dr. Paul LaViolette’s “galactic superwave” theory was described at length in End Times and 2019 and again more recently in: POLE SHIFT: EVIDENCE WILL NOT BE SILENCED

“Dr. Paul LaViolette’s Earth Under Fire discusses explosive phases of our galactic core, radiating outwards as galactic superwaves that trigger both extreme solar activity and pole shifts.  Other authors agree with LaViolette that “the galactic superwave might even be a factor in making a star into a nova” and that “the initial outburst from the galactic core caused electromagnetic shifts on earth, which may have caused crustal torque, pole shifts, tidal waves, and high winds.  The first catastrophe was followed sometime later by an explosion of the sun’s corona, caused by the influx of dust pushed by the galactic superwave.”

In Dr. LaViolette’s own words: “superwaves periodically jerk the earth’s axis…. The prompt arrival of the electromagnetic pulse and, some days later, the onslaught of the gravity wave, with its ensuing crustal torque, which would have caused earthquakes and volcanic eruptions…”  Despite his belief that the gravitational component of a galactic superwave event will only jerk the earth’s crust a few meters – not thousands of kilometers (by itself, anyway, without considering the sun or the dust or the imbalanced ice caps) LaViolette also notes that “a farsighted society or group of individuals living thousands of years ago had valiantly attempted to communicate a warning message to Earth’s future inhabitants about the past occurrence of a galactic superwave catastrophe.”

Since LaViolette cites ancient catastrophes, yet feels the gravitational component of his galactic superwaves are not by themselves sufficient to cause a pole shift of thousands of miles, I must assume a combination of forces at play.  If the geomagnetic field is weakened and the viscosity of molten layers beneath the crust disappears along with friction, then even the small “jerk” of a few meters by the gravity wave could set the crust moving until mass imbalances are relocated or magnetic field strength increases…”

Such topics are fascinating to me… so I researched for years until I eventually realized I needed to devote an entire book just to pole shifts.


Pole Shift Front Page Book Cover

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