March 12, 2025

Some conspiracy theorists suggest that Hawaii’s False Missile Warning last Saturday was no accident, but part of a very real plan, and that when it backfired, the Center for Disease Control suddenly cancelled its controversial planned talk on responding to a Nuclear Detonation in America.


(FWIW, every source of prophecy I study, from the Bible to Nostradamus, suggests that New York will be nuked in the early 21st century…)

As I posted on Friday January 13:

The “teaching session” will target doctors, nurses, epidemiologists, pharmacists, veterinarians, certified health education specialists, laboratory scientists, and others and will be held January 16th.  A posting on the CDC website outlines the agencies “Public Health Response to a Nuclear Detonation” which details the need to be able to inform the public on how to possibly survive such an attack…. “While a nuclear detonation is unlikely, it would have devastating results and there would be limited time to take critical protection steps. Despite the fear surrounding such an event, planning and preparation can lessen deaths and illness,” the notice reads.

A spokesperson for the agency said planning for the event has been underway for months… “CDC participants felt it would be a good way to discuss public health preparedness and share resources with states and other partners. State and local partners also have expressed interest in this topic over time,” she said.

…Two of the people presenting at the briefing specialize in radiation studies. Robert Whitcomb is the chief of the radiation studies branch at the CDC’s National Center for Environment Health and Capt. Michael Noska is the radiation safety officer and senior advisor for health physics at the Food and Drug Administration.”

Then on Saturday January 14, Hawaii had its false alarm with an incoming ballistic missile announcement.  On January 15, on a Sunday, the CDC changed its topic for Monday.

The quick change of the topic which had been planned for months comes with no explanation.  The article CDC Cancels Nuke Talk, Warns About “Widespread” Flu Epidemic says: “In late December, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that it would conduct a briefing on January 16 regarding the “public health response to a nuclear detonation” over the skies of the United States. Now, the CDC has canceled the nuclear briefing and focused on something much more important: the flu epidemic across the continental United States.”  Much more important?  Hmmmm.

The CDC’s own web site simply says:  “The topic for CDC’s Public Health Grand Rounds on January 16 will now focus on influenza…. Join us for this session of Grand Rounds to learn what steps can be taken to reduce the spread of flu in communities and adjust to spot shortages in antiviral drugs in some places experiencing high influenza activity.

Note: The previous public health topic will be rescheduled for a future Grand Rounds.”




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