March 11, 2025

At Beforeitsnews this article says:

It’s the nightmare of every American who has watched this president exert his tyrannical will on the country for the last six years. Some loophole in the Constitution would be found, allowing Barack Obama to seek a third term in office. Forget about the symbolic “third term” represented by Hillary Clinton. This would be an actual third term, giving Obama another four years to pursue the most liberal agenda ever seen on the national stage.

Obama, of course, thinks he would do quite well if given another shot at the White House. “Now, let me be honest with you,” he said in a speech to the African Union about how important it was for leaders to step down after reaching their term limits, “I do not understand this. I am in my second term. It has been an extraordinary privilege for me to serve as the President of the United States. I cannot imagine a greater honor or a more interesting job. I love my work. But under our Constitution, I cannot run again.”

Oh, the Constitution, right, right. He’s some kind of scholar, isn’t he? Yeah, that’s right. Makes sense. You would have to be a constitutional scholar of some kind to know so many ways to get around that hallowed document. If Obama can’t find anything in the Constitution that would allow him to run again, you can be confident that it’s not there. He’s studied that document like a criminal casing a bank.

“I actually think I’m a pretty good president,” he continued. “I think if I ran, I could win. But I can’t. So there’s a lot that I’d like to do to keep America moving, but the law is the law.”

This was met with cheers, not laughter, proving how little the attendees know about American politics. If there is one motto that Obama will never have stitched onto a poster, it would be “The Law is the Law.”

Could Obama really win a third term if he found that golden loophole in the Constitution? Is the American public dumb enough that they would vote for this guy again?


I think we will be under his dictatorship by 2016, so I commented:

Obama ignores the Constitution whenever he feels like it – despite pretending he pays attention to its laws.

From the end of my recent book   Antichrist 2016-2019: Mystery Babylon, Barack Obama & the Islamic Caliphate

“If I am wrong, America will continue on about the same as it is today, and President Obama will leave office uneventfully in January 2017. But as he said at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner in May 2014: “Everywhere I look there are reminders that I only hold this job temporarily. [Laughter] But, it is a long time between now and 2016. And anything can happen.”

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