May 7, 2024


I’ve been putting most of the blame on France for Europe’s policies of national suicide in recent years – but let’s face it – when Germany, Italy, Sweden, and many other nations all do the same clearly self-destructive things – it is clearly intentional, and organized above the level of national leaders.

I recently wrote Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe, detailing the French prophet’s almost 500 year old prophecies about French “neglect” and “negligence” “opening a path for Mohammad” and leading to a new military invasion of Europe (not just immigration) in the early 21st century (by Nostradamus, WWIII is due to ramp up pretty soon, and be completely finished by 2028.)

So I’ve focused on France.  But as this Italian Archbishop and headline says:

‘Everyone will be Muslim because of our stupidity’: Catholic leader says Europe will become an Islamic state because of the migrant crisis


Here is footage from Italy.  Typical Italians, celebrating the end of Ramadan in Rome – right by the Vatican – the capital of Christendom, right?
Goodbye Italy!


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