October 23, 2024

I have commented before on the childless nature of Europe’s traitorous leadership and suggested that their lack of offspring may be relevant to whatever deals with the devil they have made to be powerful in exchange for flushing Europe down the toilet and preparing the continent for defeat with their Socialist, multi-culti, open-borders “utopia.”

No surprise this is the outcome.  All my research on Nostradamus shows the French prophet repeatedly warns that France (and the rest of Europe) will suffer an INVASION from the Middle East and North Africa in the early 21st century – not because their enemies have much stronger militaries, but due to “negligence” and apathy and “neglect.”

Read: Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe

And as summarized in the awesome 10-second clip below:

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6H0cjIN4gw?start=104&end=115&w=854&h=480]

…This morning I see this biting commentary on these issues at the Bunkerville blog in his post titled: The Barren and Gay who Rule Europe

– and they found it at the original full article HERE at Taki Magizine:

The Genetic Dead Ends Who Rule Europe “is the title to an insightful and deliciously written piece about the fertility of the heads of European States. I have often pondered why Europe and many here in the States seem hellbent on losing our culture and identity ultimately giving away the very nature of the governance with the so-called open borders. Perhaps because they have no skin in the game for their offspring. Here is a portion of it:

When France decided to slit its own throat last week and elect the childless Emmanuel Macron as its president over the bustier and more fecund Marine Le Pen, it made him the ninth current European leader whose loins have borne no fruit.

In addition to France, childless men and barren women currently rule Italy, Germany, the UK, Scotland, Sweden, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg.  Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has likewise never fathered nor raised a seedlin’. (And it’s not as if he has a face that inspires female lubrication, so it’d be an uphill climb for him under any circumstances.)
At this point, the 39-year-old Macron will likely never become a father, seeing as his 64-year-old wife’s vagina stands a high statistical chance of having fossilized by now. Macron has described colonialism as a “crime against humanity,” although he apparently has no qualms about France being colonized by Muslims. He has also stated that there is no such thing as “French culture.” He is also persistently dogged by rumors that he’s had a long-lasting, rump-wrangling, man-on-man relationship with Radio France chief executive Mathieu Gallet.
During the campaign, Marine Le Pen accused Macron of being the lapdog of Angela Merkel, the former communist and nude sunbatherwho has never given birth, but has handed Europe over to be killed.  Under Merkel’s frumpy rule, Germany can currently claim the dubious bragging right of being the nation with the highest quotient of childless women in the world. [30-40%]
Current UK Prime Minister Theresa May also has a womb that might as well be a tomb, but at least it’s not from a lack of trying.  Same goes for Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon—she gave up after suffering a miscarriage. Italian Prime Minister Paolo Gentiloni, who looks like Merkel with maybe a half-shot of testosterone and without the Grecian Formula, has likewise never used his genitals to generate a child. According to the latest results from a highly unscientific online poll, 100% of respondents think he’s gay.
When it comes to Luxembourg’s Prime Minister Xavier Bettel (pictured to right of his partner), there’s no denying it—he’s as gay as a fresh sprig of mistletoe pinned to a red-velvet winter’s vest. He currently bears the distinction of being the “only openly gay world leader” at the moment. And we can all safely assume that his life partner isn’t going to start poppin’ babies out of his rectum anytime soon.
Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Löfven has never seen a boy or girl call him “daddy.” The only thing mentioned in the “Personal life” section of his Wikipedia page is that he “enjoys sports.” I cannot confirm whether or not Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte is gay or not, but look at this picture and tell me he isn’t. What I can confirm is that a woman has never carried his sperm to term.
In stark contrast to the gaggle of fruits and the unfruitful who currently rule Western Europe, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, and Viktor Orban—who form a Triumvirate of Evil for anyone dumb enough to believe globalism’s a good thing—have graced the planet with a dozen children between them, which will undoubtedly lead to climate change and starvation in Africa, which will then force 100 million or so African refugees northward in search of freedom, social justice, and a better life.
The cobwebbed wombs and the blank-shooting scrotums that currently rule Europe obviously have no personal genetic stake in what happens to Europe after they die. To them, the Europeans of the future will be “all future generations” that inhabit Europe, not the biological descendants of those who’ve inhabited Europe for dozens of millennia.
A continent ruled by the sterile and inhabited by those who’ve been brainwashed or demoralized into choosing sterility themselves will have no posterity in the classical sense. Instead, they will be overrun by people from alien cultures who may not have developed much in the way of technology or philosophy but who at least possess the genetic wisdom to be fertile.”
Full article here: The Genetic Dead Ends Who Rule Europe
and just a sad, sad little video showing France after so much wonderful immigration:[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPV5lgo_O8w&w=854&h=480]

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