A century or more ago, Europeans were the colonizers. Britain’s empire covered 40% of the world’s land and the sun never set on it. Spain, Portugal and France and other nations had started the trend; even Belgium and the Netherlands had large colonies… even Sweden had colonies. Latecomers like Germany and Italy didn’t have much left to claim overseas. Russia conquered eastward to the Pacific, and the United States, a European colony itself – had expanded to rule over conquests as far off as the Philippines.

The general belief among the colonizers of their racial and civilizational superiority was almost unquestioned. We need not focus only on Nazi Germany for examples. In the United States it was our “Manifest Destiny” to take over much of North America, as the land was being wasted on people largely viewed as uncivilized heathens. In Britain, the mindset might displayed most clearly in Rudyard Kipling’s 1899 poem “The White Man’s Burden” – which began:
Take up the White Man’s burden—
Send forth the best ye breed—
Go bind your sons to exile
To serve your captives’ need;
To wait in heavy harness
On fluttered folk and wild—
Your new-caught, sullen peoples,
Half devil and half child.
By the late 20th century the tables had turned. Fascism and Nazism had been defeated, and ideas of racial superiority were out of favor. Liberal governments came to power. European empires were demolished, and the people once generally despised by Europe’s ruling class sought the good life in the nations that had once imposed their language and laws on the conquered. Like a changing tide, the flow of reverse colonization switched directions and now millions of people from former colonies in Africa, the Middle East, and Asia pour into Britain and France.
Approximately 10% of the British population is now Asian – this doesn’t count immigrants from other regions like Africa nor those identifying as mixed. Approximately 10% of the French population is now African, not counting immigration from Muslim North Africa (about 10% of France’s people are Muslim.) Germany, which had very little overseas colonialism – now has approximately 2.8 million Turks, and approximately the same amount (combined) of other Muslim ethnicities. Personally I think that just like in America, undocumented/illegal immigration hasn’t been counted and the real numbers are much higher.
One PEW study from 2016 projected the growth of Muslim populations in Europe

and the chart looks unalarming at first but I think they underestimated the starting percentage and their reasonable sounding mid-range scenario seems less reasonable when we read what they base it on: “A second, “medium” migration scenario assumes that all refugee flows will stop as of mid-2016 but that recent levels of “regular” migration to Europe will continue (i.e., migration of those who come for reasons other than seeking asylum.” The lower line based on “zero migration” is also wildly unrealistic, so what about the top line growth estimate? I think unless trends change European populations on average could be at least 20-25% Muslim by 2050.
Throughout history, immigrants usually adapt to the language and culture of their host country and become part of the mix. This is what Europe’s extremely left-wing leaders suggested would happen, much as the Irish, Eastern Europeans, and many other groups Americanized in just one or two generations. Is this happening in Europe?
If headlines are any indication, the answer is clearly – no.
“Deportation Now!”: Germans Outraged After Deadly Christmas Market Attack
“Germans took to the streets on Saturday night in Magdeburg to protest a deadly Christmas Market attack carried out by a 50-year-old immigrant from Saudi Arabia. The car-ramming attack on Friday night claimed five lives and left 200 people injured.”
France’s anti-terrorism court convicts 8 people of involvement in the 2020 beheading of a teacher
“France’s anti-terrorism court has convicted eight people of involvement in the beheading of teacher Samuel Paty in 2020.”
Sweden looks into the Abyss:
“The Scandinavian nation of 10.6 million people is facing a national crisis because of its failure to successfully integrate record numbers of immigrants…. Sweden was looked upon by American liberals as an inspirational example of the Scandinavian welfare state…. Present-day Sweden carries the dubious distinction of having the highest rate of gangland killings in Europe. It boasts the lowest average age of serious offenders, with children in their low teens being arrested for murder. Increasing segments of suburbs are officially classified as “especially vulnerable areas,” where it is “hard, bordering on impossible” for the police to operate. In layman’s terms, these are no-go zones, where local clans rule and where first responders will not enter without flak jackets and police escort.” Strangely there was no mention of sexual assault from the land that became known as the “rape capital of the world” but then again they deny the connection: SWEDISH REPORT SHOWS NO CONNECTION
Douglas Murray had a best-selling book about these topics many years ago:

“The Strange Death of Europe is the internationally bestselling account of a continent and culture caught in the act of suicide. Douglas Murray takes a step back and explores the deeper issues behind the continent’s possible demise, from an atmosphere of mass terror attacks and a global refugee crisis to the steady erosion of our freedoms. He addresses the disappointing failure of multiculturalism ….the malaise at the very heart of the European culture, and to hear the stories of those who have arrived in Europe from far away. Declining birth rates, mass immigration, and cultivated self-distrust and self-hatred have come together to make Europeans unable to argue for themselves and incapable of resisting their own comprehensive alteration as a society and an eventual end. This sharp and incisive book ends up with two visions for a new Europe–one hopeful, one pessimistic–which paint a picture of Europe in crisis and offer a choice as to what, if anything, we can do next. But perhaps Spengler was right: “civilizations like humans are born, briefly flourish, decay, and die.”
Nostradamus warned us in prophecies almost five centuries ago that France and the rest of Europe would fail to protect itself, and that this would lead to WWIII (which he sees ending around late 2028.) The West is already at war with Russia and easily could find itself at war with China over Taiwan. Could Iran and Turkey and the rest of the Islamic world seize the historic opportunity to join them against the West? As I wrote years ago:
Is apathy and indifference to being destroyed part of modern French DNA?
Their inaction from 1932-39 led to a German invasion in 1940. France could easily have stopped Nazi Germany before it became such a powerful threat. Instead, the French did nothing to protect themselves. Today the outside threat is not from Germany, but from North Africa and the Middle East. The threat of decay from within is also serious, the indifference about their own culture or nation – and it reminds me of this art:

This post will focus on the “art” of the “French” rapper, Nick Conrad. If the races were reversed, the “artist” would be in jail and all of his videos would be banned. Instead, this insane double standard of political correctness is just another example of the imminent destruction of France and Western Europe in general.
Just as the French prophet Nostradamus warned in approximately 60 of his roughly 1000 prophecies – France just before WWIII will suffer “apathy,” “negligence” and “neglect” in its self-defense and will allow itself to be overcome by an invasion from the Middle East and North Africa. It will be slow and gradual, like the proverbial frog in a pot that never jumps out of the increasingly hot water until it gets boiled. Nostradamus says the problems will gradually intensify over 27 years (2001-2028?) ending in a horrific third world war. I propose that allowing such music is an example of national suicide.
As this article in Breitbart recently noted:
A controversial French rapper has come under fire for a new video in which he strangles a white woman symbolizing the country of France, while singing, “I f**k France, I burn France.” (Warning: graphic language.)

Nick Conrad’s new song “Doux Pays (Sweet Country)” contains such lyrics as “Cock in France’s mouth, I cum like a pig” and portrays the rapper murdering a white woman wearing Christian jewellery at the end of the accompanying video, before driving off and leaving her.” (Start at the 3 minute mark for most of the worst lyrics) https://www.youtube.com/embed/Iz2UpWPX-7g?version=3&rel=1&showsearch=0&showinfo=1&iv_load_policy=1&fs=1&hl=en&autohide=2&wmode=transparent
“Conrad is no stranger to racist material with violent imagery. A previous song by the rapper, which was deleted from YouTube, contained lyrics such as: “I enter day care centres and kill white babies. Catch them quickly and hang their parents. Spread them apart to pass the time, to entertain black children of all ages young and old.”
In the accompanying video, Conrad is shown kidnapping, torturing, and hanging a white man. The video shows the white man having his face forced down onto the pavement before being kicked in the head in a scene reminiscent of the film American History X.
Mr Conrad attempted to defend his “kill white babies” lyrics during his trial, saying that “this piece is deeper than it seems” and “I can not deny what I wrote, it touches racism, it’s the beauty of this piece, it’s still art”.
(Neither Facebook nor Facebook-owned Instagram have taken any action against the rapper, despite having purged multiple voices on the right such as Alex Jones, Paul Joseph Watson, and Milo Yiannopoulos in recent months for far less violent content.)”
It shouldn’t surprise me. Emmanual Macron, France’s traitorous wannabe dictator, doesn’t believe there is anything worth defending. He has even said – “There is no such thing as French culture.” With such leaders in Europe, it seems like it is just a matter of time before Nostradamus is proven right about negligence, neglect, and apathy – and WWIII enters Europe as Nostradamus described: “From Constantinople” “From Persia” “From Greater Arabia” “From the kingdom of the Fez” “From the Kingdom of Mohammad.”
I have often commented on Turkey’s dictator Erdogan, as someone we should watch with great concern. “Erdogan’s actions in the region are intended to revive the Ottoman Caliphate, and he sees himself as the Caliph…. In recent days, we witnessed ‘Erdogan’s delusion’ during his speech at the eighth regional conference of the ‘Justice and Development’ party, where he commented on developments in Syria, saying: ‘The leaders of the Turkish opposition always ask what Turkey is doing in Syria. I say to them, do you know why Turkey is in Syria and why it holds these stances? Had the region not been divided after the Second World War, the cities of Aleppo, Sham [Damascus], Hama, and Homs would have still been Turkish cities, like Gaziantep, Antep, and Istanbul, and we would still be a single state.'” The quoted article (translation here) warns that Erdogan wants to re-establish the Ottoman Caliphate which once ruled huge parts of the Middle East, North Africa, and Europe (up to Vienna.)
I point out this article is from Iran – this warning is Iranian.

In his own words, (as mayor of Istanbul in 1996) Erdogan said, “Democracy is like a streetcar. We ride it as long as we can, and then get off.” What comes after democracy? Not peace.
In 2014 I published a book about the Antichrist and the Islamic Caliphate and said that in my analysis of biblical clues the Antichrist would achieve a new level of political power around June 2016 after an attempt on his life. I had suggested keeping an eye on Obama but it was Erdogan who assumed dictatorial powers and arrested or killed as many as 50,000 potential dissidents and rivals after a coup in July 2016. He wants to be the leader of the Islamic world and wants to re-establish a much greater empire including at least some nations in Europe.
There are many similarities between the end times prophecies in the Bible and the Qu’ran describing the Antichrist (nemesis of Christians and Jews) and the Mahdi (savior of Muslims)

Jihadists ready for holy war against Jews and Christians often wear a headband or armband with the “bismallah” a short phrase praising Allah. In Christian prophecy, the followers of the Antichrist have a mark associated with 666 on their hand or forehead.

Is the Christmas Market attack in Germany really something unusual and new? Or is it part of a trend, common when different cultures and civilizations are reversing their roles? Does any of this prove we are about to see end times prophecy unfold against Europe and America like I have suggested would happen by 2028… or that Nostradamus’ warnings of WWIII with an Islamic Invasion of Europe switching from immigration to military invasion will be over by 2028? No, but I still find it very interesting. If you do too: