Syria’s dictator Bashar Assad was recently overthrown by an offshoot of ISIS. Fifty years of Assad family rule have ended, and Bashar’s family has fled Damascus and taken asylum in Russia. This seems very bad for Iran – they are losing a major proxy in their wars with Israel. It is bad for Russia; they lose their Syrian port – the only Russian port in the Mediterranean. It’s great for Israel – they get to take ground beyond the Golan Heights away from the Syrian Army and Hezbollah as a buffer. It’s good for Turkey, as the Turks gain effective control of NW Syria. And apparently it’s good for American and British intelligence agencies, as their fingerprints are all over the sudden power play that puts their former enemy in charge of Syria. Overall, the changes in Syria are bad for the enemies of America.
But enough Realpolitik… You’re just as likely to hear that Baba Vanga predicted this as anything geopolitically insightful. Allegedly there is “Baba Vanga’s frightening prediction of the Great War after the Fall of Syria” According to Baba Vanga’s predictions, the Third World War is only a few months away. It will start because of the fall of Syria… “As soon as Syria falls, expect a big war between the West and the East. In the spring, the war in the East will begin, and there will be a Third World War. A war in the East that will destroy the West.” [Perhaps the Chinese invasion of Taiwan I’ve been predicting?] And in another prediction, Baba Vanga claimed: “Syria will fall at the feet of the victor, but he will not be the winner.”

Of course, there was nothing written about this until very recently. A few months ago the blind Bulgarian seer was credited with saying “For the 2025 war in Europe, she predicted: “The event that will spark humanity’s demise will be an unspecified conflict in Europe which will decimate the continent’s population.” ( Fortunately for those who push nonsense, nothing she said was ever written down before she died in 1996. So it’s easy to make up fake claims of what she allegedly said about Syria.
But that idea of a larger war in Europe in 2025 could be spot on. Nostradamus wrote about 60 prophecies about a Third World War between Islam and Christianity gradually intensifying over 27 years and ending in late 2028 or 2029. Perhaps he referred to September 11, 2001 as a key date to start the forever wars that have (so far) been contained in the Middle East but are about to spread to Europe. He suggested that the first part of the war in Europe would take place at the River Boristhenes no later than 2025 – Boristhenes was the Latin name for the Dnieper River in Ukraine.
Nostradamus was also very clear that Muslim armies would conquer at least portions of Greece, Italy, Spain, Austria, Germany, and France – with millions killed before the end of the war. A limited nuclear war with four cities suffering a special destruction, “reduced to dust” by “fire within the globes” and “death within the circle” making it look like “a second sun” appears.

The only specific reference I can find in Nostradamus prophecies naming Syria involves the end of the war, after the West has regained the upper hand (with Russia’s eventual help) and is about to crush the Islamic alliance. In quatrain 3:97 of Nostradamus’ prophecies he wrote:
“New law to occupy the new land Towards Syria, Judea and Palestine: The great barbarian empire to decay, Before the Moon completes it cycle.” [The moon has a recurring cycle – the metonic cycle – of just under 19 years; the current cycle ends December 20, 2029]
In bible prophecy there is Jeremiah 49:27 — “Damascus has become helpless; she has turned away to flee, and panic has gripped her; distress and pangs have taken hold of her like a woman in childbirth. How the city of praise has not been deserted, the town of My joy! Therefore, her young men will fall in her streets, and all the men of war will be silenced in that day,’ declares the Lord of hosts. ‘I will set fire to the wall of Damascus, and it will devour the fortified towers of Ben-hadad.’”

Also Isaiah 17:3 — “The oracle concerning Damascus. ‘Behold, Damascus is about to be removed from being a city and will become a fallen ruin.”
Perhaps Damascus is one of the four cities Nostradamus suggests will suffer atomic destruction. There will be much unfortunate destruction in the next few years if these prophecies are right – we are on the verge of the Islamic Invasion of Europe.

Yes, this is Syria fall is so astounding that it had to be scripted. It also means that TPTB are in hurry. There is a new election in Germany in Februuary (after one in France) despite regular elections coming in Spetember 2025.
Could it be that pole shift is finally coming the next year?