Astrophysicist Carl Seyfert noticed about one out of six spiral galaxies had a galactic center so bright that it outshined all the other stars in the galaxy.

“Seyfert galaxies: In 1943, Seyfert published a paper about the bright, point-like nuclei of some spiral galaxies, which are now known as Seyfert galaxies. These galaxies have active nuclei, and their total luminosity can be up to 1,000 times greater than normal galaxies.” It was soon realized that these aren’t a different type of galaxy – just that all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way, go through phases in which their core has an energetic outburst, illuminating the entire galaxy with a bright blue light for at least a thousand years. In our galaxy, this seems to happen around every 12-13,000 years. Dr. Paul LaViolette wrote about this in books like Earth Under Fire. The event horizon of such an outburst spreads throughout a galaxy at light speed, and every 12-13,000 years every star system in our galaxy, including our solar system, is impacted by this powerful energetic wave. He calls it a galactic superwave. Though he never said it would arrive at Earth in 2012, hype about the end date of the Mayan Long Count calendar encouraged him to note that the arrival seems to be due in the early-to-mid-20th century.

Hopi myth, in their oral traditions, apparently describes this event as the appearance of the Blue Star Kachina. It’s arrival and appearance in our skies will be an omen of the almost immediate triggering of a cataclysmic pole shift, in which the oceans will slosh over the land and destroy human civilization again, ushering in what many meso-American cultures describe as the end of our current fourth world (fourth advanced human civilization) and the start of the fifth world.
Ben Davidson of Youtube’s Suspicious0bservers channel describes similar events with one or two major differences – the incoming galactic wave he worries about is more gradual (taking many years to pass through)…. It brings with it a gradual reversal or flip in the galactic magnetic field – and this triggers a solar micronova along with the crustal pole shift catastrophe – with the biggest catastrophes occurring roughly every 12,000 years. Doug Vogt (who passed away last year) wrote about the cosmic “clock cycle” he discovered showing a great destruction every 12,068 years. The evidence for such a cycle ending in a pole shift catastrophe is all around us – so instead of arguing too much over what killed who – or which single event has wiped out previous human civilizations:
I suggest that all these ideas are related and that all of the events described will happen again, almost simultaneously, well before the year 2050 – with a crustal pole shift that will end the world we know and offer the survivors a new beginning. If you want to learn more about pole shifts and prepare for the one that seems due within decades, read POLE SHIFT: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced.
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While our second sun was receding it was red, gradually turning white at apoastron. When our second sun then began to return (qv ‘of Christ’), it started turning blue.
This should give you a clue that this is the Blue Kachina that the Hopi were referring to. For cataclysm arrives shortly after apoastron (and periastron). Every 12,000 years, like clockwork.
Given causality being entirely local (thanks to the 24k orbit of our two suns), it’s nothing to do with anything beyond a few thousand AU away.