February 22, 2025

Dr. Photios Flambas recently posted a series of videos about Plato’s tale of Atlantis. Some people suggest that Plato made up the story just to make a point…. but Plato repeatedly said the story is true. I believe Atlantis existed before our planet’s last pole shift catastrophe. (It’s also worth noting that the “ATL” sound is not used in the eastern Mediterranean but is common in the Americas. The Aztec myth about their ancestors coming from an island to the south and east in the Atlantic – called Aztlan – may also describe the same location. 

Plato goes on to give several geographical details – for example that Atlantis was larger than Libya and Asia combined. Keep in mind that while Asia refers to the largest continent (from Egypt to Japan) today, this was an Egyptian story passed through Greece. Egyptians probably thought of Libya as their neighbors to the west, and Asia as their neighbors to the east, so “larger than Libya and Asia combined” would just clarify that it wasn’t a tiny island, it was at least the size of central North Africa plus part of the Middle East combined. The Greeks and Romans viewed “Asia” as just the western portion of what we now know as Turkey.

Above: Roman province of Asia – in red

Knowing that Atlantis was larger than Libya and (at least some province of) Asia we can rule out any theories that it was an island in the Mediterranean – they are all far too small, and are not “beyond the Pillars of Hercules”/Strait of Gibraltar involving islands in front of an “opposite continent.” Of course if you look west past “beyond the Pillars of Hercules” you’ll run into the Caribbean islands before the opposite continent of the Americas.

Though I don’t agree with everything Dr. Flambas thinks he makes many good arguments and the first of his videos on this subject can be found here:


Unfortunately I can’t embed the video from this source but its well worth watching so click the link above. He also has a kindle version of his book “Plato’s Caribbean Atlantis” and though he didn’t mention it in his video there were very odd sonar readings off the western tip of Cuba about twenty years ago, and no one has said more about it since….

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