February 22, 2025

I didn’t believe it right away when I saw the first headline on a conspiracy web site. (I just worked him into my recent book a month ago….) But when he didn’t respond to my text after a while… I decided to check Ben Davidson’s suspicious0bservers youtube channel, as I know they communicated frequently…. and sure enough there’s a video about it. Just like Ben says, Doug and I didn’t agree on everything, but there aren’t that many outspoken or prominent supporters of the ideas that pole shift catastrophes (along with a simultaneous solar micronova) really end civilization every 12,000+ years – and we just lost one of the few people who offered alternative insights to the official “nothing-to-see-here” narrative from government sources who know better but won’t admit it.

If you’ve never watched Doug’s videos or read his books, you should educate yourself. By his calculations we have less than 23 years left.

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