January 15, 2025

Just when I thought Cosmopolitan Magazine couldn’t stoop any lower…. I remember a stand-up comedian long ago referring to Cosmopolitan as “the enemy of all men” because of articles making men out to be the perpetual bad guys, they oppressors holding women back. Decades later, this is a fairly mainstream view – wrong, but mainstreamed. Women actually have a lot of power, which “Cosmo” realizes, because most men desire women, and will give up a lot of time, effort and money for even a chance at having one they desire. Cosmo strongly encourages women to make themselves look as beautiful as possible, pushing the narrative that good looks, a wide range of active sexuality, and competing with men for economic success is the best path to independence, freedom, and happiness. A woman has every right to pursue such goals, but little mention is given to the effects on society. Are modern women happier with these changes? And if they are born at all, how do the children develop when their mothers often focus on careers at the expense of their traditional old roles as wives and mothers? I’m not suggesting that women should only aspire to the old expectation to be “barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen” – but we should sometimes address the side-effects of social changes.

But my focus today is not on the post-equality goals of post-feminism. Though families and relationships have suffered and womens’ overall happiness has (statistically) fallen in recent decades (just look at the staggering use of anti-depressants) as promiscuity and hyper-individualism have been encouraged…. My point today is the new low reached when Cosmo promotes incorporating “Satanic ceremonies” into one’s abortion, because “why not?” Whether you are ideologically more “my body my choice” or “abortion is murder” – doesn’t adding a Satanic element sound fun?

I don’t even want to imagine the ceremonial details, but I can’t avoid thinking that chanting certain phrases and a good amount of blood are involved. I’m just pointing out another sign society is slipping deeper into the toilet. If you hadn’t heard about this before, and you appreciate my insights or my finding this and pointing it out to you – consider subscribing to my wordpress blog here, or for even more content and upcoming podcasts – to my substack at https://www.specieslastwords.com/

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