January 30, 2025

I almost didn’t watch the video below. I almost said to myself, “Don’t be too eager to believe a conspiracy theory.” My last two books seem to be on topics for which the government suppresses the truth [pole shift – and – German and American Atomic Bomb Programs] but those are exceptions, right? The government/intelligence agencies aren’t lying about… almost everything, are they? But it seems like Google’s AI really did conclude recent Chinese photos from their lunar lander were legitimate, while American photos from Apollo 11 show many signs of being doctored. And the U.S. Government just might be trying to eliminate the source of such information online.

If anything NASA showed us in regard to the moon landings is fake, it raises the question: why? What did they find that was worth an elaborate cover up? Did they find aliens bases observing us? Maybe evidence that an advanced prehistoric civilization from before the last pole shift had made it to the moon? If so, what happened to them and their technology?

Neither the United States nor its space agency NASA have so far commented on the AI analysis that questioned the Moon Landing by the American astronauts.”

“The analysis of some of the photos and images of the U.S. astronauts landing on the Moon using neural networks showed they are fake, Vladimir Putin was told at “Artificial Intelligence World Tour” in Moscow, and the Russian President found it interesting.

The video of the analysis result and conversation of the Russian President with the Data Research Department of Sberbank, Nikolai Gerasimhen, at the Moscow AI event is now viral.

“It (neural networks) thinks almost everything in this photo is fake”, Gerasimhen is heard explaining to Putin in the video:”

BTW – it has been a full ten years since I started this wordpress blog. I started in December with no followers and had a whopping 17 views in 2013. Within a few years I was getting over 200,000 views a year… but they changed the algorithms one day and my readership here plunged over 80% overnight. Since then I have tried to change things up but nothing seems to work… on this site. I recently started on substack – and a few other sites to see where to focus my efforts (besides writing my books.) If you like my posts here on wordpress, follow me at https://www.specieslastwords.com/ because it looks like that’s where my upcoming podcasts and other commentary merit more of my time and effort. Thank you!

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