February 23, 2025

Aliens are here, and they’ve been visiting Earth since at least the 1940s. Have the visitations been happening for thousands or even millions of years? Have aliens modified our DNA and accelerated our evolution? If the visits are a relatively new (20th century) phenomenon – why now? Did they detect our radio broadcasts? Our atomic bomb detonations? Are they here to assess bringing us into their Galactic “Federation” or to take over the Earth? How do they judge our recent history and development? Or are they here to warn us of an imminent natural disaster like an asteroid impact, a solar micronova, or a pole shift?

From the Zerohedge Article: “We Are Not Alone”: US Has Retrieved Craft Of ‘Non-Human Origin’ Says Whistleblower From Govt. Task Force On UFOs:

A former intelligence official turned whistleblower has given Congress and the Intelligence Community Inspector General extensive classified information about deeply covert programs that he says possess retrieved intact and partially intact craft of non-human origin. -The Debrief

Tucker Carlson recently called this news the “bombshell of the millennium.” Why isn’t EVERYBODY talking about it?

“The whistleblower, 36-year-old David Charles Grusch, is a decorated former combat officer in Afghanistan who went on to work at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Ageny (NGA) and the National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) – where he served as the latter’s representative to the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force from 2019-2021. Then from late 2021 to July 2022, he was the NGA’s co-lead for UAP analysis and its representative to the task force, which was established to investigate UFOs – which are now officially called “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” or UAP. It was launched the Navy under the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence and Security, and has since been reorganized into the All-Domain Anomaly Resolution Office, which includes investigations of objects which operate underwater….

According to the The Debrief;

The original “debrief” document found here quotes Christopher Mellon, former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Intelligence: “A number of well-placed current and former officials have shared detailed information with me regarding this alleged program, including insights into the history, governing documents and the location where a craft was allegedly abandoned and recovered.” Other phrases clarify that multiple vehicles “from another species” have “landed or crashed” here.

Where a craft was abandoned and recovered…. Fascinating. Some say early UFO sightings and crashes like the one at Roswell in 1947 were really failed test flights with prototypes of advanced craft designed in Nazi Germany and further developed with the help of Project Paperclip immigrants in the United States.

Others suggest the craft are vimana, flying machines from an ancient (but human) advanced civilization

from before the last pole shift. Bob Lazar, the famous Area 51 whistleblower, has said that recovered craft are “from archeological digs.” Are these more realistic explanations than incompetent aliens?

Why would aliens allow so many highly advanced craft to be shot down and captured? I can understand if it happened once before they got more careful with us… but lots of times? And if they “abandoned” craft to allow humans to recover them…. that seems more like a test for humanity, either of our intelligence and engineering abilities, or of our maturity – or lack thereof – to avoid destroying ourselves with advanced technology, weaponized.

Captured alien technology could provide a bonanza of development and progress. “Studying even small samples of purported anomalous material could lead to currently inconceivable benefits for humanity, he said. “What might be represented here could be hundreds of technology revolutions ahead of us. It could be more transformative for humanity than what the microprocessor accomplished. Imagine what we could do with even a grain of knowledge about how they operate.”

On the other hand, “potential technological advancements may be gleaned from non-human intelligence/UAP retrievals by any sufficiently advanced nation and then used to wage asymmetrical warfare.”

And the whole show being put on for the public, with juicy tid-bits of partial disclosure about aliens disseminated gradually over years and decades – could be done to protect us from collapsing the foundations of our beliefs about life, our purpose, religion, the whole universe – this disinformation could also be used to convince us there’s an alien threat and that we must give up individual freedoms and rights and submit to greater centralized power structures in a new global government. We have little way to know if we’re more likely to be protected or enslaved, by humans or by non-humans.

What do you think?

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