March 3, 2025

Authored by Jeff Thompson via The Organic Prepper blog,

“You’re likely already familiar with the 2009 EMP Commission Report. It was this report that raised the issue of EMP-preparedness for the American public. It’s notorious stating that just one year after an EMP attack, 90% of the American population would be dead, caused alarm throughout multiple sectors of society.

Books began to be written on the subject. Sales of Tedd Koppel’s Lights Out, Forstchen’s One Second After, and Crawford’s Lights Out quickly reached blockbuster levels. And while I believe that these books (and that report) brought the issue of an electromagnetic pulse to light for Americans, I don’t believe it showed Americans just how real of a threat it is.

To truly understand just how very real of a risk this is, I believe all we have to do is look at the battle plans of some of the nations that hate America most.

Let’s start with Russia

**Non-Contact Warfare was the name of Russian General Vladimir Slipchenko’s military textbook. Within this text, he explains how EMPs are the greatest revolution in military affairs in history. According to Slipchenko, the possession of an EMP renders an enemy’s armies, navies, and air forces completely obsolete, and it’s hard to argue with him there.

If you can’t get your missile defense systems online, if your tanks won’t run, if your planes have all just fallen out of the sky, you’re kind of screwed, aren’t you?….

What About China? 

Things are no different here. EMP capabilities, theory, and defenses seem to be going relatively fast here, just like Russia.

In the PLA textbook The Third World War – Total Information Warfare, author Shen Weiguang notes the importance of developing China’s EMP defenses to neutralize and check the US if needed.

Other Chinese military journal articles specifically state that the US “is more vulnerable than any other country in the world” to EMP attacks. I believe that this singling out of Americans should cause eyebrows to be raised.


In Iran, not only are EMP attacks fully endorsed but battle plans for their use are being drawn up as well. Military textbook Passive Defense – published in 2010 – echoes Russian General Slipchenko’s ideas on EM. **Former Director of the CIA, James Woolsey, points out that “Tehran’s military is planning to be able to make a nuclear EMP attack…”

Woolsey goes on to say, “Passive Defense and other Iranian military writings are well aware that nuclear EMP attack is the most efficient way of killing people, through secondary effects, over the long run. The rationale appears to be that people starve to death, not because of EMP, but because they live in materialistic societies dependent upon modern technology.”

Another Iranian military journal, in an article titled “Electronics to Determine Fate of Future Wars,” notes that the key to defeating the United States is through an EMP attack. The article goes on to say, “if the world’s industrial countries fail to devise effective ways to defend themselves against dangerous electronic assaults, then they will disintegrate within a few years….American soldiers would not be able to find food to eat nor would they be able to fire a single shot….”

North Korea

What did you expect? Of course, they would make this list!

**On April 9, 2013, North Korea’s KMS-3 satellite orbited the US at the perfect trajectory to evade US early warning radars and National Missile Defenses. And all while at the ideal altitude and location to launch an EMP field over the continental US.

**On April 16, 2013, they did it again – this time orbiting the satellite over the DC-NYC corridor. If an EMP had been activated, we would have lost the entire Eastern Grid, where 75% of US electricity comes from. On that very same day, unknown parties used Ak-47s to attack the Metcalf transformer substation that services Silicon Valley as well. 


In July of 2013, a North Korean freighter was found in the Panama Canal after passing through the Gulf of Mexico with SA-2 missiles mounted on their launchers hidden under bags of sugar. While the missiles weren’t armed at the time, they were of the type that could very easily have been used to execute an anonymous EMP attack via offshore freighter.”

It seems very likely that if and when WWIII begins, it might begin with EMP weapons being used against the United States. FWIW, almost 500 years ago the French prophet Nostradamus devoted at least 60 of his thousand-plus predictions to a third world war between East and West, ending in late 2028. He describes an alliance of Islamic nations, with China’s help, invading Europe. Initially, Russia is neutral and not involved. America is allied with Europe, but unable to defend it. Nostradamus doesn’t clarify whether America is too busy with China or other theaters of war, or if it suffered a devastating problem that weakened it to a point at which it was incapable of projecting military force.

Nostradamus did, however, describe what seem like modern weapons being used, with descriptions including: “death within the circle” “the city reduced to dust by the fleet” “live fire, hidden death, horrible and frightful within the globes” “killed and casualties nearly a million.”

If WWIII is over by the start of 2029, how much more time do we have before it starts, and what goes wrong before the war that leads to such desperate measures? Nostradamus describes a pole shift that follows shortly after WWIII – so maybe China realizes where the next North Pole will be, and wants to conquer some territory that will be in a better position after the shift.




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