Anyone can tell that the topic of UFOs and aliens has experienced a recent change because our government, and the lapdog media they so completely control are no longer portraying their existence as crackpot conspiracy theory. UFOs are suddenly (since 2017 anyway) – after roughly seventy years of denial – being portrayed as very real, and of great concern. Never one to waste a crisis, the U.S. Government probably has a plan, an agenda – to shape public opinion and convince us we need to do something in regard to these craft. Greater public disclosure is on schedule in June, so at that point we will know if the technology will be revealed as “ours” or “theirs.” Some possibilities include:
The craft are based on ancient designs – because we found flying craft from a previous human civilization destroyed by the last pole shift catastrophe. This premise is backed up ancient India’s hundreds of pages of detailed descriptions of flying craft called vimana – and by Area 51 whisteblower Bob Lazar’s claim that at least some, if not all – of the advanced craft our government was back-engineering were obtained from “archeological digs.”
The craft are designed by American scientists and we are a generation ahead of the rest of the world, so China and Russia better think twice about attacking us or our allies.
The craft belong to China and/or Russia so Americans should be scared that we could be defeated in WWIII, and we will need to support a massive new effort to close the technological gap to defend ourselves properly.
The craft are extraterrestrial in origin and they are very far ahead of us. These little probes could be the early scouts testing our military capabilities prior to a hostile invasion, and we will need to support a massive new effort to close the technological gap to defend ourselves properly.

The craft are extraterrestrial in origin and they are very far ahead of us, but they are friendly and here to help us deal with an upcoming problem. They want to make sure we don’t go extinct from nuclear war, or “global warming” – climate change, pollution, biological warfare, genetic engineering gone wrong, or a variety of other potential threats from ourselves – or the cosmos. They could be here now knowing Earth is due to be decimated by an asteroid impact, or the next pole shift, or even another group of extraterrestrials that is hostile.
Personally, I expect the government to control the narrative on the “threat” and direct what the people should work towards as the response. The truth will be whatever the government reveals, and their goals will likely become our goals as we work and sacrifice in the new direction this information sends us. For example, perhaps we will be told there is a galactic federation of some kind, and we will eventually be rewarded with entry – BUT – we aren’t ready yet. We are expected to unify without conflict between nations or religions, and once Earth has a peaceful and unified one world system in place, we will eventually enjoy the benefits our galactic cousins do. Until then, there are changes to be made….