As Robert Charles recently wrote: “More than 18,000 rockets have been fired on Israel by terrorist Hamas in the last week. That is not an accident. It is provocation. The only question is – who pushed that button? Knowing Israel defends itself, who wants conflict? Candidates are several. Implications are profound, identifiable, and dangerous. The world is edging toward a major war.“

“Understanding what is happening is the only way to confront those pushing war – and stop it. Mainstream media say the attack is just a resurgent Israeli-Palestinian conflict over East Jerusalem. That is shallow. Larger forces are at play.… Iran is looking for distractions, a way to complete nuclear weapons, then take whole nations hostage, empowering radical Islam. Iran is also desperate to break the pro-peace momentum created by President Trump through bilateral deals with Egypt, Jordan, UAE, Bahrain, and progress with Oman, Sudan, and Saudi Arabia. Peace in the Middle East – centered on bilateral deals with Israel – would isolate Iran….
A second reason is opportunism, the global grasp – by allies and adversaries – that Biden-Harris is weak, ill-prepared, ideologically divided, a US administration with no coherent foreign or national security strategy, more about appeasement than deterrence, unclear about geopolitical threats, and ripe for routing.
Third, China is deeply involved in the Middle East, beginning with Iran. China sees the world as a zero-sum game and wants to win. The more Western values are under attack, the greater China’s opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. China has no love for Israel or the values of democracy. More urgently, China knows that if the US is engaged in defending Israel – if war widens – the moment is perfect to overrun Taiwan…” and plenty of other places China would love to annex, even at the risk of WWIII.
“Voices that should be standing up for Israel in this White House and Congress – are not. This is shocking, given the history of Israel, our alliance, their cultural past, the importance of the Holy Land to Americans, and the nation’s physical isolation. Where is Biden? Harris? Schumer? Pelosi? Where is the counterforce within the Democratic Party saying to their radical left “stop the madness, sit down, … Western values, Israel’s existence, role in the world, defense of stability is essential”? Nowhere. Why?
Bottom line: International relations, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If no one in the Biden White House steps up, steps in, squares away this potentially devastating – lose-lose – situation in the Middle East, war will widen. Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, Iran, China, Russia, and some in an out-of-sync Democratic Party will celebrate. America, Europe, democracies around the world – including Israel – will lose if that happens. Biden-Harris – and all responsible Americans – should be defending Israel, period.”
I agree with Robert Charles on multiple fronts. Both China, and the Democratic party, seem to prefer Iran and Islam over Israel. Israel is the first line of defense Western Civilization has in place when Islamic power eventually rises up. If Israel ever falls, Europe will be next in short order (which is exactly what Nostradamus predicted.) Before Israel falls, superpowers like Russia and China will see new opportunities to seize territory if the West is busy in the Middle East. Taiwan, Ukraine, and many other places will be at risk, especially if America has huge domestic problems at the same time.