October 18, 2024

Iranian television recently played a clip talking about taking revenge for the assassination of their top general, Soleimani, who was aiding those fighting the Americans in Syria and Iraq. In the clip, Iran launches a missile which blows up the Capitol Building in Washington D.C.

“During the middle of the song a ballistic missile is seen launched from the Iranian desert, and that’s when a brief and shocking clip of the missile scoring a direct hit on the US Capitol is featured, with the building immediately engulfed in flamesNewsweek describes the central message of Tehran’s leadership:
The footage of the fake attack also came out the same day Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani declared the U.S. had lost its “economic war” against his country, saying that sanctions against Tehran are at the “brink of extermination.”

Aside from Iran being allowed to produce their own nuclear weapons, my big concern is not an unlikely attack on the Capitol Building, but the likely reality that Iran could destroy U.S. aircraft carriers. As a recent article in Russia Today noted: “Present-day analysts agree that aircraft carriers are useful only if you don’t plan on invading a nation any stronger than a banana republic. In a naval standoff between equal powers, they’d be taken out first because they’re easy targets for guided missiles. It’s really hard to imagine this type of ships making a safe approach” almost anywhere, let alone near the Persian Gulf.

Aircraft carriers, the great new naval weapons platform of WWII, took the place of the battleship as the decisive new factor in naval warfare. Which is no longer the case for WWIII, as the missiles that can take them out are long-range, effective, and cheap. I remember enjoying a good novel many years ago in which a U.S. aircraft carrier is nuked near the Middle East:


FWIW this is pretty much how Nostradamus suggests WWIII will start. Among many other warnings, one prophecy stands out: Quatrain 9:43

“Ready to land, the Crusader army
Shall be ambushed by the Ishmaelites:
Marauding ships beset them on all sides,
Ten elite galleys take them by surprise.”

Other prophecies clarify this threat is from Persia, leading an Islamic alliance and aided by China against the West.
Nostradamus and the Islamic Invasion of Europe covers this well:

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