March 14, 2025

“How do you Donate to your site David! You should be getting Paid for this amount of work you do! I truly enjoy your Posts, every morning I get up, I check to see if there are any, and enjoy the reads always! I feel this service should have a Donation Capacity at least! This Maybe not for Everyone, but I can afford it! In a few weeks time anyways! In-fact for me Personally, it is the Best Site, I have found, on the Internet, concerning so many of my Views, and Beliefs, David.”

I responded: “Very kind of you XXXXXX, but the only way I ask for money is through book sales.  If you haven’t bought a copy of my last book on pole shifts, you could do that.  If you like it, suggest it to friends.”


And while I was definitely wrong on exactly how it would play out, I was kind of correct on my very first book, originally submitted as “Nostradamus and the Third World War of 2002” – in which I said in the 90s that Nostradamus said the West would be at war with the Islamic world NO LATER than the spring of 2002.  I felt kind of right after 9/11/2001.

I was also wrong on the specific form of judgment I expected in December 2019, but I have been pointing to December 2019 as the time of God’s wrath/judgment becoming obvious since 2012.  Anyone who cared to prepare based on my timing might not be the hundredth person in line for overpriced toilet paper right now.


I may not know exactly what day the coming pole shift will be – but I offer all the evidence you need to know it’s due soon.  I’ve been kind of on target so far.

The same fan added a day later: “I will be more than Happy to by your Books! ….And as Far as you are concerned, and the information you cover, you are right on the most important finds that the 21st Century could have to deal with! It will make surviving the Corona – virus a walk in the Park! Feel free to Quote from the above Email you wanted to Quote from.”

Thank you, XXXXXX – and thank you to everyone who values my research.


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