March 14, 2025


commenting on Nelson Walter’s recent Fig Tree video:

“I do think Israel’s re-creation as a nation happened right on schedule (after 2,520 years) and that it suggests all end times events should happen within a generation of 1948 – probably between 70 – 80 years later. As one comment under this video noted, an average lifespan is about 80 years today (in the West at least.)
Many years ago I noted over a dozen signs pointing to the POSSIBILITY that Judgment Day could be December 28, 2019. Now that the end of that timeline is close I’m hoping everything I wrote about in End Times and 2019 proves to be meaningless coincidence. 88 reasons didn’t prove anything for 1988, and nothing short of the Second Coming ever will prove the timing. My analysis of Nostradamus prophecies puts the end in late 2028. Other authors’ books give other dates. Analysis will never prove anything. Though I would like to know dates with certainty, and I still think studying and questioning like Bereans is a good idea – I caution people to focus more on the big picture – accepting salvation – and less on the fine details like timing. All we need to know about timing is that time remaining for the present world as we know it is short, and that the eternity that follows is what matters most.”

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