January 22, 2025

I’ve been writing about Dr. Paul LaViolette’s “galactic superwave” theory since at least 2012.  The idea that our galactic center is periodically active, putting out an explosion of energy every 12-13,000 years, with enough of a gravity wavefront to cause a pole shift, and enough visible light to look like a light blue “eye in the sky” as depicted in ancient mythology – would explain a lot.  I often wondered if the arrival of such a wave of radiation might coincide with my conclusions on possible timing for end times Bible prophecies in late December 2019.  LaViolette suggests early 2020 as a possibility – which is tantalizingly close to my dates, and now less than a year away.

From etheric.com “Corey Goode, who claims to have inside knowledge about the Secret Space Program (SSP) has been giving lectures and interviews, including a series of interviews on GaiaTV.  He claims that beginning in 1987 the SSP sent out spaceships and discovered a superwave heading for Earth.  No mention of the author who discovered the superwave phenomenon and who had labored for 40 years trying to warn people about the phenomenon.

For example, in April 2016, on the Exopolitics website, Michael Salla quotes Goode as saying about “super waves”:

It turns out that the Secret Space Programs and even some programs on Earth and the Black Ops programs had been studying a region of space that we were entering in the galaxy and some – what they had called “super waves” coming toward our solar system that were clouds of energetic particles. And, they knew that it was going to directly affect our solar system and our sun. And indeed, we have seen changes in the sun and changes in all the planets, occurring since at least that time period, if not, probably before. And this has been a slow change in the background-energy of our solar system. These are vibratory energy-waves that are ebbing and flowing into our solar system.

In email correspondence a few days ago, Goode indicated that he was unaware of LaViolette’s work on superwaves at the time he reported this, and that is why he did not mention LaViolette’s work.  Although to use “super wave,” essentially the same name that LaViolette chose indicates that the Black Ops programs knew about LaViolette’s work and had obviously gotten the idea from him without giving credit.  Now that he has been made aware of the history of the superwave concept, Goode says he will rectify the matter. But Goode knew about LaViolette’s work on superwaves as early as December 7, 2013 when he responded to a posting someone had made on the Avalon website which discussed LaViolette’s video interview with Project Camelot and gave a link to the video.  So he knew that LaViolette was the originator of the theory as early as that and yet thereafter made no mention of the connection to LaViolette’s work.

Still there is no way to verify Goode’s claim that the SSP detected an oncoming superwave.  If what he says about this is in fact true, this is very important.  However, he makes so many other strange claims, pointed out below, that we are hard pressed to believe his superwave story even if it supports what Dr. LaViolette has been saying.

LaViolette was the first to alert the world to the superwave phenomenon.  His Ph.D. dissertation on the superwave phenomenon was the first published in 1983.  He published two papers on superwaves in 1985 and two in 1987 in the journals Earth Moon, and Planets and  Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.  Also in 1985 he gave a lecture about superwaves in Portland, Oregon.  In June 1986 he wrote to the Soviet polar program requesting samples of Vostok ice for his cosmic dust study.  They later agreed to give him the samples.  His FBI report indicates that a patrol car was parked outside his house slightly afterward to investigate what he was doing since the U.S. and Soviet Union were still in the cold war at that time.  So by this time all intelligence agencies would have been alerted to what LaViolette was doing.  So the superwave idea had already been out there for four years when Goode claims that the SSP began looking for superwaves and found one coming towards us to arrive shortly.

Here we are perhaps led to believe, as Jake Simpson has claimed, that the SSP sent space ships in the direction of the Galactic center, detected the approaching cosmic rays and returned to Earth.  Did anyone from the SSP contact LaViolette to ask his assistance?  No.  Because Goode failed to give credit to the originator of the idea, the audience is left with the impression that the superwave was entirely a SSP discovery, and people have no way to learn the truth about the event from LaViolette’s work.  Is it the policy of the people who are his superiors to: steal what they can from the hard work of others, don’t give them any credit, and then deceive the public in the end?

As many of you know, the superwave idea is described in Dr. LaViolette’s updated dissertation, and in two of his books, Earth Under Fire, first published in 1997, and Decoding the Message of the Pulsars, first published in 2000….

The next target date to consider for the superwave is 2020, just a year away.  This estimate comes from analysis of information concerning the vision of Garabandal.  Even this is very tentative. One thing that leads one to believe in the possibility of this date coming up just next year is that the solar cycle maximum has been declining over the decades and is now at an all time low with sunspots being absent from the Sun for over a year.  Standard physics has no reasonable explanation for this solar cycle modulation.  But as mentioned above, this decline could indicate a gradually increasing Galactic gravity potential in our local environment whose value is determined by the Galactic core.

We are hoping that efforts by the Starburst Foundation to inform people to take shelter from the superwave will not be side-lined by people putting out misinformation.  The Starburst Foundation was hoping to warn people and to work with governments to advise people on what to do during its arrival” [because the effects on Earth will not be limited to causing a pole shift.]

* * * * *

While I don’t give a lot of credence to PV’s 2020 timing based on what seem to be self-contradictory statements from visions at Garabandal, and still think my own dates for events from December 21-28, 2019 are more logical – hopefully both these dates will pass uneventfully.

If anything starts to happen or appear in the sky that makes you think a pole shift is starting or a galactic superwave is arriving, regardless of timing, getting into a cave at a higher altitude wouldn’t be a bad idea.  Find out where one or two such caves are in your area now, if you have any concern about such events.

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