February 23, 2025

One article on immigrants in Denmark asks: “How does a society deal with religious institutions that profess values which are the very opposite of the value system of the Western society in which they live?”

For example: one Imam wrote “that men beating their wives and children could be justified and that marital rape does not constitute rape.”  This is just one example among many that are starting to worry some Danes as their small nation is transformed by a Muslim population ten times what it recently was not many years ago, bringing Islamic and Danish racist evil non-inclusive white European values into conflict….

Earlier this year, in his New Year’s speech, Denmark’s (then) prime minister at the time, Lars Løkke Rasmussen, mentioned that religious parallel societies constitute a problem and that immigrants need to learn to “put secular laws over religious ones”

But “…of 18-29 year-olds (31%) believe that “religious and cultural laws must be adhered to, even though they may be contrary to [Danish] law.”

“It worries me a lot that an increasing number of young Copenhageners do not support our democracy”, said Cecilia Lonning-Skovgaard, Copenhagen’s Mayor of Integration and Employment…”

And at the risk of harping too much on Sweden being the rape capital of the world largely due to its immigration policies, yet another new article points out:

“Figures released last year found that 58 per cent of convicted rapists and 85 per cent of all convicted assault rapists in Sweden were born outside of Europe.

In cases where the victim did not know the attacker, the proportion of foreign offenders was more than 80 per cent. Nearly 40 per cent of the convicted rapists are from the Middle East or from Africa, areas of the world from which Sweden has accepted large numbers of migrants in recent years.

A study by the Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet found that 88 per cent of gang rapists in the Scandinavian country over the last six years have had a migrant background.

Other figures show that migrants from Muslim-majority nations commit 84 per cent of “very violent” rapes in Sweden.”

Similar themes plague Germany, Britain, France, Spain, Italy….  While their traitorous government globalist “leaders” try to whitewash all of it and commit collective national suicide.  Merkel and Macron are probably the worst of the bunch…

Almost 500 years ago, the French prophet Nostradamus was very clear that in the early 21st century, Europe would suffer from “negligence” and “apathy” and “neglect” before an Islamic military invasion during WWIII (which he said would be done by the end of 2028.)  But all of this is not very politically correct so expect the liberal media both in the US and Europe to under-report it.



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