March 29, 2025

Many nations in Europe would rather commit national suicide at the altar of political correctness than admit that Muslim immigrants aren’t assimilating.  “Rape Capital of the World” Sweden is no exception, they are a prime example.  I remember being in Lund, Sweden in 1991.  Things have changed, and despite government propaganda – it has not been an improvement.  Excerpts below from this article: Sweden is at War

“Car fires, frequent and widespread, are just one of the new aspects of living in the formerly idyllic city of Lund. In January, a so-called unaccompanied minor from Afghanistan, Sadeq Nadir, sought to murder several people in the city by ramming into them with a stolen car. Although he claimed to have converted to Christianity, material found in his apartment showed that he wanted to wage jihad and become a martyr. He told the police that his intention had been to kill. The event was initially classified as an attempt at a terrorist crime but then changed to a charge of ten attempted murders. Although Sadeq had admitted that his intention was to kill, the Swedish district court did not find that Sadeq could be convicted for either terrorism or attempted murder. The court argued that he had not been driving “fast enough” to cause a concrete risk of death. In the same vein, although Sadeq was found to have written texts about jihad and martyrdom and claimed to be acting for Allah, the court did not find that he had acted from any religious terrorist motives. He was convicted of merely causing danger to others and threatening them.”


One Swedish author laments: “Five nights in a row, cars have been set on fire in the university town of Lund. Such insane acts have occurred on hundreds of occasions in various places in Sweden over the past fifteen years. From 1955 to 1985, not a single car was torched in Malmö, Gothenburg, Stockholm or Lund. …When a female sociologist at Malmö University explains the crimes [as a consequence] of youths being frustrated… she speaks nonsense… She repeats things that could have been said by a parrot….  It is called upbringing and this is missing for thousands of girls and boys in Swedish homes today. [Notice he is too scared of the Political Correctness Police to say what he really means; when he says these are Swedish homes I assume he merely means they are homes physically located in Sweden, with parents that were born elsewhere.]  It’s not about money or where you happen to be born in the world. It has nothing to do with politics or ideology. It is about ethics, morality and co-existence between people”.  What this Swedish author said is that some group of people isn’t raising their kids with what had once been the expected standard of manners and good behavior for Sweden.  And as long as Sweden invites more of the same and pays for it, they will get more of the same.

Almost 500 years ago, Nostradamus described the “apathy” and “negligence” Europe would suffer that set them up for an Islamic Invasion in the early 21st century.

In response to complaints about record numbers of shootings, car fires, bombings, and at least 60 “no-go zones” where Swedish authorities don’t want to enter, Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, while acknowledging that Sweden “still has serious societal problems” remarked, “Very few things were better in Sweden” before:

“But even though we can think of old times as an idyll with red cottages and green meadows, very few things were better before. During a national day celebration, I think we should celebrate just that, how much we have achieved as a country. We have built a strong country, where we take care of each other. Where society takes responsibility and no man is left alone”.

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