January 15, 2025

Why are there so many warnings about asteroids that might hit Earth this year?

Seriously, there must be a reason.  Is there some conspiracy to raise our awareness of a threat from space for a reason?  They have us worrying about Earth being in the Taurids right now.  The European Space Agency warned of a possible impact in September.  I have previously posted NASA’s warning for the most likely asteroid impact


in our near future on December 28, 2019 – the date I calculated could be the Bible’s Judgment Day – details given at length in my previous book, End Times and 2019.  The newest impact warning from NASA would affect us even sooner:

“The imposing , dubbed Asteroid FT3, will come barrelling past our home planet on October 3, 2019. NASA expects the flyby to mark the first of 165 approaches between 2019 and 2116. On any one of these asteroid flybys, the risk of cataclysm is low but should the asteroid veer off course and straight into Earth, the results could be cataclysmic. Asteroid FT3 is a monstrous rocky object measuring an estimated 1,115ft (340m) in diameter.”  If it hits, there would be an explosion estimated at 2700 megatons, about 50 times more than the largest nuclear weapon ever detonated.

NASA asteroid DANGER: A 2,700 MEGATON asteroid might hit Earth this October

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