March 9, 2025

I just found a foreign web site by Eskild Rasmussen describing WWIII predicted by many lesser known European prophets to occur in late summer 2019.  Nostradamus is not on the list!  Near the top of the post, we are told: “This is the short version about the outbreak, duration and end of the 3rd world war. You will find more details in the following sections. The war will break out in August 2019 or 2020. Everybody will be talking about ‘peace in our time’ before the outbreak, so nobody will suspect anything, when Russia suddenly launches a paralysing nuclear attack on USA and conventional war in Europe.”

One prophet on the list got my attention more than most:

Anton Johanssons predictions about WW3

I quote this for several reasons:

I have already written books about Nostradamus’ predictions of WWIII and of Bible prophecy pointing to horrific events in 2019.  Nostradamus also mentioned the “isle of Scotland” in quatrain 5:93 and in quatrain 9:31 “The tin islands of St. George half sunk” (England was known as an ancient source of tin, and it’s patron is Saint George.)  More importantly, he talks about a world war in Europe in which, at least in the early years, America is unable to help Europe.  I assumed pre-war economic collapse, civil war, or an EMP would be possibilities… But Anton Johanssons suggests the problem is a nuclear strike on America.

Maiden Fannys predictions about WW3

A few days before she died, Maiden Fanny had a vision about the 3rd world war.

There are several other sources quoted.  Most involve a Russian invasion of Europe.  Though the predictions mostly do not match my expectations – there are many more detailed prophecies at the site linked at the top of this post.

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