February 23, 2025

This video is “old” – made well before the surge of interest in pole shifts that took place in early 2018, when mainstream science acknowledged that a magnetic pole shift might be underway.  Of course I do not believe the coming pole shift will merely be magnetic.  As I posted on one site recently:

“The Earth is a tiny speck in a vast universe. The Sun has a huge effect on our planet, through gravity, electromagnetism, and heat. A “hiccup” in the Sun affects the planets. Dr. Robert Schoch, author of “Forgotten Civilization,” suggests that solar outbursts caused the previous pole shift and destroyed humanity’s previous civilization. And Dr. Paul LaViolette’s theory is that the galactic center is periodically active, and that every 13,000 years a wave of energy from the galactic center rattles our entire solar system.

There is overwhelming evidence of a periodic cycle of catastrophic pole shifts in which the entire crust of the Earth moves as one piece over the core, changing the latitude and altitude of every land while earthquakes and tsunamis ravage the changing surface.

The elite won’t tell the public about an upcoming pole shift catastrophe (not just a magnetic shift; the crust will move in one piece over the core with civilization-ending tsunamis and changes in latitude and altitude) because they don’t want chaos when we stop working and try to sabotage their survival plans. Read:

Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced


While I don’t agree with some of the points made in the video below – the Horizon Project’s Brent Miller does make many good points regarding physical evidence of pole shifts, even prophetic warnings of a pole shift from the Maya and the Bible
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-qtfCjYjfa0&w=866&h=650]


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