February 22, 2025

Dr. Robert Schoch writes extensively on the role of a major solar eruption frying part of our planet and possibly triggering a POLE SHIFT approximately 12-13,000 years ago – and I recommend his book:

Forgotten Civilization: The Role of Solar Outbursts in Our Past and Future

What he describes is not just a CME – a coronal mass ejection which may or may not impact Earth.  This would be the entire surface of the sun ejecting an unavoidable shell of plasma, the would definitely affect Earth (and every other planet.)

Many other scientists talk about similar solar outbursts.  Even the Bible warns that:

“The light of the moon will be as the light of the sun, and the light of the sun will be seven times brighter, like the light of seven days, on the day the LORD binds up the fracture of His people and heals the bruise He has inflicted.” (Isaiah 30:26) 


In very ancient Egypt and as recently as ancient Greece wise men wrote about a periodic series of civilization-ending disasters triggered by a cosmic fire.

from the recent article by Dr. Michael Salla:

Impending Solar Flash Event Supported by Scientific Studies & Insider Testimony

“In a six-part series of videos titled Earth Catastrophe Cycle, Ben Davidson, founder of Space Weather News, presented multiple scientific studies of “micronova” (aka “solar flash”) events that recur in human history, and the subsequent pole shifts that haven taken place on a cyclic basis. The scientific data confirms that micronova events are common occurrences in our galaxy, and such events span Earth’s history, are associated with pole shifts, yet the evidence has been suppressed by government authorities for decades.”  For even more details, consider reading:


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