January 21, 2025

The size of our sun is determined by a balance of opposing forces between the heat and perpetual nuclear fusion explosion pushing outwards vs. gravity’s relentless inward pull.  In balance, all seems stable.  A more complicated balancing act exists in the Earth’s crust; every large mass on the surface (like the Himalayan mountain range, the Antarctic ice cap…) exerts torque on the crust and pushes towards the equator.  Layers in the crust have enough friction that the crust does not slip to correct these imbalances very often.

In my decades of research on POLE SHIFTS and related topics, the best explanation I have come across (in my opinion) for a trigger that helps overcome friction and initiates a pole shift every half-precession cycle (approximately every 12,960 years) is the “galactic superwave” theory of Dr. Paul LaViolette, as described in his book,

Earth Under Fire


I think he has clearly established that the galactic center of all spiral galaxies, including our own Milky Way, have explosive phases in which an expanding spherical blast wave departs the galactic core and spreads outward, eventually impacting every star system with a gravity wave, a gamma ray burst, a brightly visible blue light and various other radiation.  Another important result is that cosmic dust usually kept out by solar wind is pushed much closer towards stars and their inner planets than usual.

In June I had an article on pole shift evidence (and conspiracies to hide it) in Nexus Magazine.  Dr. LaViolette wrote in and commented in a letter to the editor afterwards

suggesting that he thinks the event could occur in early 2020, and provided links which I will get to below.  Since my interpretation of end times Bible prophecy suggests that the event may be due in late December 2019, his comments focusing on early 2020 are close enough to get my attention.

Recently I contacted Dr. LaViolette about this and started to discuss the subjects with him directly.  He briefly expressed interest in reading two of my books: End Times and 2019 and Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced in mid October, but the more we emailed back and forth the more he focused on the differences in our opinions and soon felt there was no need to read my books once he knew what our differences of opinion are.  I still admire his research and theories immensely.

One of his scientific papers that I recently stumbled on is:

Evidence for a Solar Flare Cause of the Pleistocene Mass Extinction

In his summary of the article at the link above, Dr. LaViolette says: “The hypothesis is presented that an abrupt rise in atmospheric radiocarbon concentration evident in the Cariaco Basin varve record at 12,837 ± 10 cal yr BP, contemporaneous with the Rancholabrean termination, may have been produced by a super-sized solar proton event (SPE) …The event time-correlates with a large-magnitude acidity spike found at 1708.65 m in the GISP2 Greenland ice record, which is associated with high NO -3 ion concentrations and a rapid rise in 10 Be deposition rate, all of which are indicators of a sudden cosmic ray influx. The depletion of nitrate ions within this acidic ice layer suggests that the snowpack surface at that time was exposed to intense UV for a prolonged period, which is consistent with a temporary destruction of the polar ozone layer by solar cosmic rays. The acidity event also coincides with a large-magnitude, abrupt climatic excursion and is associated with elevated ammonium ion concentrations, an indicator of global fires.”

What gets my attention most is not the idea that the galactic superwave could trigger our Sun’s activity, causing Coronal Mass Ejections (CME) which are massive solar flares that could wreak havoc on Earth (a theory also supported by Dr. Robert Schoch and described at length in his book: Forgotten Civilization – and of course in Dr. LaViolette’s book: Earth Under Fire) but that the event can be dated precisely (within 10 years) to 12,837 B.P. – which is 10,887 B.C. – since the “present” was long ago agreed to be 1950 A.D. for such dating purposes.

Half a precession cycle later – approximately 12,960 years later – is in the 21st century.  While we can not say that the solar event happened with accuracy greater than “+/- 10 years” and the length of the precession cycle is even less precisely measured – this does lead to the idea that the next pole shift is due in the early 21st century.

Dr. LaViolette does not agree with me on several details including the severity of the upcoming pole shift – but he discusses the possibility of such an event coming in early 2020 – just a few months after I have suggested one might happen in December 2019He also warned: “The first indication of the super wave’s arrival would be the impact of a gravity wave which would affect the whole planet, triggering earthquakes. Immediately afterward the high energy cosmic rays would begin arriving and a bluish white star will begin to appear in the sky at the location of the Galactic center. One should not delay to seek shelter at once in a cave or underground tunnel to escape the radiation hazard. It would help to be prepared with a bag full of clothes and supplies that you could grab on a moment’s notice….

The first three days will be the worst since the barrage will be most intense during that period. After that one might venture outside if the radiation intensity is sufficiently low. A geiger counter would come in very handy. Hopefully by that time there will be people around who will have some information on the degree of the radiation hazard. It would also help if you have access to a solar powered home that is off the grid. Be aware that the Sun could become aggravated during the event and could produce excessive flares which could have more lethal effects than the superwave.”


I have said as much in my books.  In End Times and 2019 I explain the clues from Bible prophecy pointing to December 2019 for a possible pole shift.  In my Nostradamus book I explain that his prophecies point to a pole shift around October 2028.  Even the great astronomer Sir Isaac Newton, the inventor of Calculus and modern physics – studied end times Bible prophecy (and the planets and stars) and concluded that we should look to the era of 2016-2060 for the fulfillment of all end times Bible prophecy and the destruction of the current world as we know it. (Since the “generation” that saw Israel reborn as a nation in 1948 is supposed to witness the fulfillment of all biblical prophecies – and generations last 70-80 years – I tend to focus on the early end of this range up to 2028.)

I review this and other evidence in my attempt to prove the cycle of pole shifts and calculate the possible timing of the next civilization-ending cataclysm in the very near future in:

Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced.


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