February 3, 2025

In 1993, a young Geologist named Robert Schoch gained a great deal of attention when “The Mysterious Origins of Man” (narrated by Charlton Heston) aired and talked about “The Mystery of the Sphinx.”   Dr. Schoch was prominently featured because he was an expert on geology like rainwater erosion and he was willing to acknowledge that the body of the Sphinx in Egypt had suffered massive erosion from rainfall – something that must have happened BEFORE Egypt became a desert.

Schoch said it meant that the Sphinx was at least a few thousand years older than conventional Egyptologists acknowledged.  Mainstream opinion said 2500 B.C.  The truth is – the weather changed around 12,000 years ago (when a POLE SHIFT altered the position of Egypt, and every other location on the surface of the Earth.)  Latitude, altitude, sea level, and weather patterns changed – everywhere.  An ancient civilization was destroyed.

At first, such an old date – suggesting that Egypt had a civilization at least 10-15,000 years ago – was countered with the comments that there were no signs of the civilization that could have built it that far back. But since 1994 the temple complex of Gobekli Tepe in Turkey has been conclusively dated to be at least 11-12,000 years old by the German Archaeological Institute.  Civilization did exist that far back.  Schoch eventually wrote a book called: Forgotten Civilization


In it, he suggests that there were “catastrophes that occurred over ten thousand years ago, eradicating this early, forgotten civilization.” (p. 8) He tells us that “geological data indicate that the last ice age ended extremely suddenly, catastrophically, around 9700 BCE…. and I believe, the date of a major solar outburst.” (p. 253) He describes evidence of a major solar flare hitting the earth, and suggests that the sun is nowhere near as stable as recent history implies. Instead he assumes “that major plasma events might impact Earth approximately every ten thousand years. It has been 11,700 years since the last one.” (p. 103)

The implication is that we are overdue for a solar event capable of causing a civilization-ending catastrophe. It might originate with the sun’s own cyclical variations, or perhaps the sun’s activity is triggered by a cosmic source like Dr. Paul LaViolette’s galactic superwaves. While not specifically assuming that the sun also triggers activity on Earth or that a pole shift will occur, nor that it will occur on any particular date – Schoch does suggest (on page 216 of Forgotten Civilization) that something catastrophic may very well be due some time between now and 2050.

Although I haven’t read Schoch’s updated new book with Robert Bauval: Origins of the Sphinx: Celestial Guardian of Pre-Pharaonic Civilization – he also comments in the new book that “the original core body of the Sphinx is minimally 2.7 times older than 4,500 years ago, giving a date after rounding of circa 10,000 BCE. All in all, I suspect that the proto-Sphinx was in existence prior to the end of the last ice age” (pp. 78-79) and that just as Edgar Cayce suggested, an ancient Hall of Records from Atlantis exists under the paws of the Sphinx.

I think the evidence indicates that LaViolette is correct; that our galactic center has outbursts of energy that reach us every half-precession cycle, roughly every 12,920 years – and that these cause the Sun’s massive flaring and help trigger a pole shift on Earth.

But Jason Colavito laments that: “Schoch seems unaware of the history of his own idea. He attributes his belief in a predynastic Sphinx and Valley Temple to John Anthony West, which is indeed correct, and West’s belief in it to the occultist R. A. Schwaller de Lubicz, which is also correct. But he presents Schwaller’s views as though they emerged ex nihilo from amazing insight. They did not.

Schoch is aware that Victorian archaeologists spoke of a predynastic Sphinx, but he attributes their ideas to “feelings” rather than “hard evidence,” as though it were mere fancy. I imagine that this is because Schoch doesn’t read French. The ideas Schoch advocates were taken over by Schwaller from French archaeologists, specifically Gaston Maspero and Francois Lenormant, who argued in the late nineteenth century that the Sphinx and its Valley Temple predated dynastic Egypt by thousands of years and had been built by the mysterious Followers of Horus at the end of the last ice age.”

I think it is obvious, if you consider the available evidence, that a POLE SHIFT ended an advanced civilization almost 12,920 years ago.  The remaining question is: how many years do we have left before the next catastrophe, given that the periodic cosmic cycle that causes it seems to be about 12,920 years and it last happened almost 12,920 years ago?  Many sources suggest we will not make it through the first half of the 21st century without another pole shift.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZ7KwmgK0yg&w=870&h=489]

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