March 12, 2025

In the video below, the producer is focused on the prophetic views of Paul Solomon for the first 8 minutes.  Solomon was a New Age “psychic” famous in the 1970s, with his own interpretation of the coming pole shift.  I am more interested in the second part that starts by the 9th minute, with the translation of the diary of Lucia dos Santos, one of the three children who experienced visitations and messages from the Virgin Mary in Fatima, Portugal in 1917.  Many of you know there was a set of three secret messages included in what Mary told the children; the first regarding WWI, and WWII.

The Third Secret has been deemed too horrible to reveal – the Vatican was supposed to in 1960 and they declined.  Lucia wrote down the Third Secret, with instructions (from the Virgin Mary) that it should be revealed in 1960, because more would be understood then. But in 1960 Vatican officials wrote in a press release that the information was so horrible that it was “most probable the Secret would remain, forever, under absolute seal.”  In 2000 they made up a lie about it, quickly debunked.  It is believed that the Third Secret of Fatima refers to WWIII followed by a POLE SHIFT.


Pope John Paul II, who commented on the Third Secret while speaking in Fulda, Germany: “It should be sufficient for all Christians to know this: if there is a message in which it is written that the oceans will flood whole areas of the earth, and that from one moment to the next millions of people will perish, truly the publication of such a message is no longer something to be so much desired.” (originally from the October 1981 issue of Stimme des Glaubens.)

Sister Lucia seems to describe a cosmic event triggering the pole shift right after WWIII – one that matches a solar flare or CME (Coronal Mass Ejection) hitting the Earth.  Her diary describes it as “a flame that comes off” and “touches the axis of the Earth” like “the tip of a spear” which makes the Earth shake.  (The video gets to this around the 10:30 mark, in case you don’t want to watch the part on Paul Solomon first.)


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