March 12, 2025

In the video below, a youtuber named “Naughty Beaver” discusses the possibility that a certain new crop circle formation points to an astronomical alignment, allegedly described by Nostradamus in one of his drawings – which is the key to timing the next POLE SHIFT.


Although I disagree with many points other people make in their arguments, Nostradamus DID describe a coming pole shift in several of his prophecies.

Crop Circle Confirms “Timeline” Of Earth’s Pole Reversal

I commented under his video:

Fascinating topics! In my last book on Nostradamus prophecies, I explain that N. predicted WWIII would end in 2028 and a pole shift would immediately follow. Other evidence suggests the coming pole shift will be even sooner. If interested check out my books on Nostradamus – – and – Pole Shift: Evidence Will Not Be Silenced –


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