February 12, 2025

“Everybody wants to rule the world.”  When I hear the words I think of the song by Tears for Fears that came out in 1985.  And while the statement may not be true of EVERYONE, there are enough people who wish they were in charge of everything that we all know a few.  Most of these people, fortunately, never get the chance to rule over much of anything.  Despite having intelligence, charm and charisma, narcissism, ambition, and/or a lack of morals – most people never achieve great power.  They have to be in the right place at the right time.  Adolf Hitler, Napoleon Bonaparte, Alexander the Great – none of them may have amounted to much if they were born in the 1980s in American suburbia.  They would probably have been diagnosed with A.D.H.D. and put on a prescription for Ritalin and that would have mellowed them out into obscurity.

The right social conditions must also exist.  These people must be able to attract a following, which is much easier if the people around them are desperate, confused, angry, and apathetic.  A population that just suffered a major economic collapse or just lost a major war might be ripe for following a loudmouthed cult of personality that promises a return to good times if you just give him enough power to do things his way.


This is one reason most future dictators embrace some form of SOCIALISM.  A system that robs producers, discourages hard work and production, and concentrates power in the hands of a few is the easy path towards dictatorship and suffering.  (If you disagree, please point out the socialist or communist nations enjoying prosperity and freedom.)

Brandon Smith recently wrote an insightful article at Alt-Market.com titled:

How People Become Easily Controlled By Tyrants

“The question often arises in liberty movement circles as to how we get to the point of full blown tyranny within a society. There are numerous factors that determine this outcome, but through all the various totalitarian systems in history there are common denominators – elements that must be there for tyrants to prevail….

Tyrants are psychologically abnormal to such an extreme that is is difficult to classify them as human….  In the vast majority of cases, these traits remain “latent” and do not affect a person’s actions or relationships to a great extent. In a minority of cases, however, narcissism and sociopathy become the defining factors of a person’s psyche. This occurs in less that 1% of a population….  A sociopathic narcissist is motivated by personal desire only. They are incapable of empathy for others and see people as a kind of food and fuel source rather than fellow travelers in life. They consider their lack of conscience as an evolutionary advantage; a tool that helps them to survive and thrive by trampling, stealing, manipulating and killing if necessary without guilt or regret.

You would think these creatures would be easy to pick out in a crowd, but it is not always so simple. They have the ability to mimic behaviors of those around them in order to appear more human….  They can be many things to many groups, and their ability to lie convincingly is exceptional. They climb the ladder of success quickly, and build systems that allow them to prosper. They do have doubts and weaknesses, though.

They are in most cases cowardly. They prefer to get what they want through subversion and trickery, and they run from direct confrontation.  [False Flag events seem to be a popular method.]  They prefer to use other people (useful idiots) as weapons or shields rather than risk facing off with their ideological opponents. As parasites, they focus on the weak minded or the fragile.

They desperately want admiration from the very people they victimize. Therefore, they are constantly forced to play roles in order to appear normal. They do not like this. They feel that it is below their station in life to pander, and they are convinced that they should be worshiped as they are, not worshiped for the fraudulent image they have constructed. They want to “come out of the closet,” in a sense, as a narcissistic sociopath, but if they do under a stable social climate they will be shunned….

Tyrants exploit the masses more easily when people assume that corrupt political and social leaders are working for “their side” against the “other side.” Often these leaders can be bought or threatened into subservience. Tyrants then use them to drive the spectrum to the furthest opposites, until both sides adopt an attitude of zealotry.

This happens not only in politics, but in geopolitics, as entire nations are driven to war with each other by puppet presidents and governments over engineered conflicts that only ever benefit the cabal of tyrants behind the curtain.”

Do you notice how America has become much more polarized under recent presidents?  Do you notice how European nations are being torn apart through such destructive immigration policies that I can only assume there is an elite conspiracy forcing collective national suicide on France, Sweden, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Greece, Spain, and other nations?  The Leftist elite may embrace multiculturalism as a method of destroying nations and bringing on a One World Government in the aftermath of war and destruction, but why would anyone else?  Because it doesn’t make sense that even ONE nation would destroy itself this way, and yet we have over a dozen nations doing so collectively and simultaneously.  Current events fit the descriptions in end times Bible prophecies as we approach Armageddon, and they also match Nostradamus’ prophecies regarding French and European “apathy” “neglect” and “negligence” that allows the Islamization of Europe, over a 27 year period (2001-2028) culminating in WWIII in which Europe suffers a great deal before swinging to the nationalist right and fighting for its cultural and political survival.

For the expected economic collapse and WWIII and One World Government aftermath to come about, entire nations will have to become desperate and angry and gullible.  National leaders like Trump, Obama, Erdogan, Putin and others are the type with a cult of personality, (and increasingly strong special presidential powers) to fulfill the role of dictators (one could even be seen as the Antichrist someday.)  If the economy collapses and everyone is screaming for someone, anyone, to do something to fix the broken world – will you rise up to make a difference, or allow apathy and neglect to rule over you, quietly allowing some political loudmouth to bring on its planned destruction?  If good people prevent evil from rising, tyrants never achieve their dictatorships and wars are sometimes avoided.  Prophecies suggest terrible events in our near future.  But time will tell, and I still hope for a better outcome.


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