March 12, 2025

Thank you Gordon at the Truther’s World blog for bringing this to my attention:

British MEP’s microphone turned off in European Parliament for asking ‘approved’ question about Tommy Robinson

“Janice Atkinson, MEP


British MEP, Janice Atkinson, attempted to raise the urgent human rights issue of Tommy Robinson’s secret transfer from a safe prison to a highly dangerous prison at today’s ENF group.

Her microphone was cut (video fragment at the bottom) and abuse hurled at her by Conservative MEP, Ashley Fox, before she was able to get past her introductory statements. Janice describes today’s event here:

Today my ENF group, through our secretariat, tabled a request to raise an urgent human rights issue. It was approved by the president and I was called to speak before voting.


However, as usual, despite being approved, we are shut down.

I was also attacked in a nasty verbal exchange, not caught on camera, with the leader of the UK Conservatives, Ashley Fox MEP, who I couldn’t hear above the noise.

But his facial expressions told me he didn’t welcome me asking them to intervene and speak to their Home Secretary and Justice Minister about the removal of Tommy Robinson from relatively safe Hull prison to Leicester which has a higher Muslim population. That Muslim population threatened Tommy with death last night.

In this angry exchange I told Mr Fox his government will have blood on their hands if anything happens to Tommy and Lord Pearson will personally sue the Home Secretary, Sajid Javid.

It just so happened that it was after we paid tribute to murdered MP Jo Cox. We all stood to remember her. Sadly, Labour MEPs are using her name to blacken me. But that’s now the state of UK Labour.


(FWIW, Nostradamus warned in his prophecies that Western Europe would suffer from apathy and negligence and neglect and fail to protect itself from Islamic invasion that culminates in WWIII in the early 21st century.)

Britain’s most prominent freedom fighter, Tommy Robinson, has pointed out the injustice of the traitorous British government’s efforts to cover-up the crimes of Muslim immigrants and punish those who comment about the crimes.


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